A helpful hint for “The Challenge” achievement – The Witness


I’m not going to explain how to get to “The Challenge”… there are other guides that do that just fine.

This is a general guide and the something that stumped me for my first handful of runs… after figuring this out I got through in no more than 5-10 attempts (total).

The starting line

While the puzzles are generated at random and there is a time limit with chaotic orchestral music meant to up your anxiety, this challenge is completely doable.

It would however behoove you to have a firm grasp of the mechanics of all the puzzles before attempting this. Presumably having made it here that should already be the case.

After activating the record player you have until the song completes to finish a series of puzzles.

The first set is straight ahead.

The basic puzzles

Your first set of puzzles is a panel of three (seen on the left).

Completing these will activate the pedestal (seen on the right).

All of these are beginner level puzzles and shouldn’t cause any trouble.

The random four-set

The next set of four puzzles are single panels that activate at random when you complete the previous puzzle and will deactivate the current panel if failed. If this happens, simply redo the previous puzzle (still complete, and path’d) to re-activate.

These puzzles will be a mix of simple mechanics and intermediate mechanics.

The deception… big hint…

This next set is deceptive… it stumped me for a few attempts.

After completing the four-set the front three will activate. You only need to complete one from the front row to activate the back row, and you only need to complete one from the back row to move into the maze!

A bit of speculation: I didn’t go back to test the theory, but I think only one from each row is solvable.

The maze

In the maze there will be two random panels that activate amid the walls that will block your path (the black screens on the pillars). Both puzzles must be solved to activate the final puzzles in the next room.

Final room

And finally, there are two pillar puzzles (column puzzles?) on either side of the locked room at the end. To the left and right of where you enter this room.

Good luck and happy solving!

Written by DblTap

Here we come to an end for the A helpful hint for “The Challenge” achievement – The Witness guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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