A Quick Guide Regarding Movement and Mouse Control Settings – Century: Age of Ashes


It felt like my dragon was counter-steering me into walls, and I thought I was crazy, until I found a setting that actually does cause your dragon to counter-steer in certain circumstances.

The guide

There are two mouse control types; tethered and raw.


A Quick Guide Regarding Movement and Mouse Control Settings - Century: Age of Ashes - The guide - C664B69A7


A Quick Guide Regarding Movement and Mouse Control Settings - Century: Age of Ashes - The guide - C36A50CB5

One allows your dragon to steer based on raw input, and one keeps it from oversteering which is a pain when trying to take tight corners. For me, raw input is superior if you’re using a mouse.

Not only that, but in my opinion the sensitivity is a bit too low on the vertical (Y) axis. If you have a hard time steering for whatever reason, try out any combination of the settings below (starting with “Mouse Control Type”=Raw) and see if it helps!

My mouse control settings

A Quick Guide Regarding Movement and Mouse Control Settings - Century: Age of Ashes - The guide - BEE90A1C5

Good luck!A Quick Guide Regarding Movement and Mouse Control Settings - Century: Age of Ashes - The guide - 1D0750F20

Written by Captainn

This is all we can share for A Quick Guide Regarding Movement and Mouse Control Settings – Century: Age of Ashes for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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