Best Survivor Second Chance Perks – Dead by Daylight



1) Decisive Strike:

This perk is good against killers who tunnel, If you play against someone who doesn’t tunnel then it’s useless.

When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed a Skill to automatically escape their grasp, stunning them for 5 seconds.

2) Unbreakable:

This perk is good against killers who slug.

Once per Trial, you can completely recover from the Dying State + you can combine it with Soul Guard.

3) Dead Hard:

With dead hard, you can avoid damage or reach a pallet.

When Injured press the Active Ability button while running to dash forward and avoid damage and you get exhausted.

4) Deliverance:

After performing a safe hook rescue on another survivor, Deliverance activates:

Your Self-Unhook attempts will succeed 100 % of the time.

This perk is good in solo queue because nobody loves you and they’re not going to save you.

5) Borrowed Time:

Borrowed Time is a second chance perk for the survivor you unhooked.

For 8/10/12 seconds after unhooking a Survivor, the unhooked Survivor is protected by the Endurance + you can combine with Guardian.

6) Adrenaline:

Once the Exit Gates are powered, instantly gain one Health and sprint at 150 % of your normal running movement speed for 5 seconds.


I just want to thank those who read my guide.

I hope you all have fun!

Written by ! Vlad

Here we come to an end for the Best Survivor Second Chance Perks – Dead by Daylight guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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