Best unlockable items – The Binding of Isaac


best items to unlock

Small rock

Obtainable by bombing tinted rocks, this item gives you a simple damage up and makes your tears red. It’s unlocked by bombing 50 rocks

The Halo

Increases all of your stats up, and is unlocked by using The Bible on Mom from Depths 2

The Bandage

Gives you a health up and 2 soul hearts, and can be found from boss room

It’s unlocked by beating 4 hors*men (famine, pestilence, war, death/conquest) and obtaining 4 cube of meat items in a single run. Hors*men are unlocked after beating Mom from Depths 2. The best way to do this is to look for “Book of revelations” item while on bas*ment floors, since upon use it gives you a soul heart and makes a hors*men guarantee to appear in boss room (if you haven’t finished it yet). This can require luck, as the hors*men on the womb floor can instead give you The pony item, making the run obsolete.

Dr. Fetus

This insane item replaces your tears with bombs, it’s crazy as it sounds. Be careful though because bombs can hurt you. Unlocked by beating Mom’s heart in Womb 2 5 times.

The Wafer

Makes every source of damage in the game deal half of it’s damage. Although it isn’t really useful on floors from Bas*ment 1 to Depths 2, it REALLY shines on Womb, Sheol, Cathedral and Chest, as on these floors enemies deal double damage. It’s unlocked by beating mom’s heart on Womb 2 7 times

The relic

Grants a familiar which every 7 to 8 rooms beaten, drops a soul heart. Helps you a lot on keeping the devil/angel room chance, but also helps a lot when you play as “???” Unlocked by beating the boss of womb 2 while playing as Magdalene

The D6/The Dice

Without the doubt the best unlockable in the game, The D6 rerolls all items in a room into another one. It also has only charge of 3, making able to get a good item whenever you want. Isaac starts with this item after it’s been unlocked by beating the boss of Womb 2 while playing as “???”

Mom’s Knife

Replaces tears with a very powerful knife, which can be shot at 8 different directions, when you hold it still can damage enemies, and has a short charged attack which deals 2X of your damage and slices through enemies. Unlocked by beating Satan with Isaac.

Forgor me now

Upon use resets the entire floor, and then disappears. Best used to get more resources and items, though you will have to sacrifice your previous activated item. Unlocked by beating Satan as “???”

The Candle

Powerful activated item which recharges within seconds, shoots a blue fire piercing through enemies and dealing heavy damage. Unlocked by beating Challenge #1 “Dark was the night”

Mega Fetus

Best unlockable items - The Binding of Isaac - Mega Fetus - 3AFA12A67

Alternative version of Dr. Fetus, which instead of bombs fires missiles, similiar to a way how Doctor Remote works. Unlocked by beating Challenge #6 “The Doctor’s Revenge!”

SMB Super Fan

Increases all of your stats up, except speed which it decreases. Unlocked by beating challenge 7# “Meat 4 evar!”

Curved Horn

Trinket which increases damage by 2. Unlocked by beating the boss of cathedral while playing as Judas.

Judas’s Tongue

Trinket which causes future devil deals to cost only one heart container. Unlocked by beating boss of the chest as Judas

Written by gruby kot

Here we come to an end for the Best unlockable items – The Binding of Isaac guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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