Buying out jhase’s shop – Voidigo


This is a short guide to what to do if you are planning on buying jhase’s store.
If you intend to win the run, I wouldn’t recommend following this.


You’ll behave the same way as in each run. Your main focus will be to kill all enemies and destroy all shard containers for as many crystals possible. You can either aim for max health (or 20 crystal shards) in challenge rooms. If none of these are available, you could still try, as you might be able buy a powerup.

You’ll need jhase’s shop or one of the non-beacon locations to sell your max health. DO NOT GET MAX HEALTH BEFORE THIS. If you have max health of 3, your max hp is worth 60 crystals. If it’s 4, it will cost 20 crystals.

Don’t be afraid to maintain 2 max health. However, if you find a second one, your max will be sold at 80 crystal shards. Thus, you have completed the challenge.

Two ways to do it

First, you can sell all your possessions for as many crystals as you want, then buy out the shop as quickly as possible. You can also die when you do. It’s very easy, and if your calm is good enough, you can even have a bit of patience to avoid dying stupidly.

The second way, which is more difficult but can sometimes guarantee buying out the shop three times or more in one go, is to play like an addict. Get as many powerups as possible, max your health, and never purchase until you have enough crystals. You might also want to get jhase’s token, or criminal Isopod for this one. Although not essential, it will help.

After you beat the puppeteer on the first one, you’ll want the loop. You will simply need to go through areas, killing all enemies and taking any crystals that you can. (This is why calm is better than chaos. You won’t be using crystals on any ammo containers or health pickups. You can simply go through each shop as you wish, going through each one one by one.

Second mention: Items you should be on the lookout for.

These things will make it easy to complete the challenge. Although they aren’t crucial, they will be useful:

Criminal Isopod – This guy steals random items from jhase’s shop whenever you enter it. This usually makes your total crystals needed a good fifteen less.

Token Of Jhase (Level 1). This level gives you a 10% discount on every item in jhase’s store. It then goes to Level 3.

Challenge rooms (They may offer a challenge in exchange for 20 crystalshards. This can make it great or give you max health.

Jhase traders: They will sometimes buy your max strength for some crystal shards.

Upgrades (Upgrading to a criminal token, or token jhase will make you run even more easy.

Upgrades are only available if there are not many loops.

Written by Onyx

Here we come to an end for the Buying out jhase’s shop – Voidigo guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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