Change color of buildings after placing them – Farming Simulator 22


Ever place a building, like a garage, that was color selectable and ended up not liking the color after? Well, it is easy to change with a quick edit in save game files.

First go to your savegame file folder. (EXAMPLE – /Documents/my games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame1)

Then open the placeables.xml file using a text editor like Notepad++.

Press control+F to open the find tool.

Search for “color”.

The results you get will be for the color fields for the various objects.

Results should look something like this.

<placeable filename=”data/placeables/rudolfHormann/garageSmall/garageSmall.xml” id=”49″ position=”153.00201416016 85.252922058105 161.04293823242″ rotation=”0 90.674586137854 0″ age=”7.000000″ price=”106000.000000″ farmId=”1″>


<animatedObject time=”0.000000″ direction=”0″/>

<animatedObject time=”0.000000″ direction=”0″/>

<animatedObject time=”0.000000″ direction=”0″/>





Where you see <color>3</color>, that is the in game color you have selected. Changing the 3 in this example will change the color in game.

Easy way to find the color is to open the construction tab and select the same building you want to change. Like you are placing a second one. Then cycle through the colors by pressing “M” on your keyboard. IT MUST BE “M” FOR THIS TO WORK.

The starting color is “1”. Every time you select “M” that number goes up by one. So, you start on “1” and press “M” and the new color is “2”. Continue this till you get the color you want. Remember that number, and in the case of the example above, replace the “3” with the new number.

Make sure you are out of the game before you save the XML file. Once saved load the game and you save. The color should have changed and you are good to go.


Written by [CgC] Prophet

Here we come to an end for the Change color of buildings after placing them – Farming Simulator 22 guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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