Commander Battle Basics – Battle Cry of Freedom

A basic guide to help aspiring commanders understand the basics of commander battles.


Greetings, I am Nobleman Asa and I will be going over the basics of commander battle for Battle Cry of Freedom.

The following topics will be covered:

Movement Commands

Formation Commands

Firing Commands

Weapon Usage Commands

Bot Assistance Commands

Bot Speed Commands.

I will also include a video walkthrough of what each command does below.

Movement Commands

Movement Commands can be accessed by clicking F1 on your keyboard. Each command will follow in the sequence in which you will activate commands (F1, F2), with the first Function key being the sub menu, and the second Function key being the execution command. You will then be given a sub menu of the following commands when first pressing F1:

F1,F1 – “Hold Position” – Your bots will hold position at the place you are standing. You can also hold down F1 to place down a marker for your bots to hold position so you do not have to be constantly moving to the position you want your bots to hold at.

F1, F2 – “Follow Me” – Your bots will follow close behind you until you stop or order them to hold position, charge, retreat, or stand ground.

F1,F3 – Charge! – Your bots will charge the nearest enemy or a marked target. To better have your bots target an enemy in a charge, press Z to highlight the enemies you wish to charge.

F1, F4 – Stand Ground – Your bots will hold their ground and fire at any nearby enemies in almost all directions.

F1. F5 – Retreat! – Your bots will retreat from combat to the the Home Spawn flag (aka the place you first spawn at in-game)

F1, F6 – Advance 10 Meters – Your bots will advance 10 meters forward from their position and hold position.

F1, F7 – Retreat 10 Meters – Your bots will retreat 10 meters backwards and hold their position. They will face the position they originally were at.

F1, F8 – About Face – Your bots will do a 180 degree turn from their position. This is useful when holding F1 to position bots in an opposite direction to have them quickly turn around without stressing about the F1 marker.

F1, F9 – Hiding – Your bots will all take a knee and crouch in their position. They CANNOT FIRE whilst hiding. Use the F1, F9 command to have them stand up again or give them a new position to move to.

Formation Commands

Formation Commands can be accessed by clicking F2 on your keyboard. Each command will follow in the sequence in which you will activate commands (F2, F1), with the first Function key being the sub menu, and the second Function key being the execution command. You will then be given a sub menu of the following commands when first pressing F2:

F2, F1 – Form 1 Row/Rank – Forms your unit into 1 line. Line Infantry and Militia suffer a 20% accuracy penalty while in a single rank. Sharpshooter units suffer from no penalties in these formations

F2, F2 – Form 2 Rows/Ranks – Default formation for all units in game. No penalties are suffered in this formation. Line infantry and Militia receive a slight damage resistance buff in this formation. Sharpshooter receive no in-line formation buffs.

F2, F3 – Form 3 Rows/Ranks – Line infantry and Militia receive a 20% accuracy buff and more damage resistance buffs. However, line units are succeptible to higher casualties in this formation as it makes it easier to for enemy units to hit your unit (buckshot, buck & ball, and cannon fire can wipe out many people in one shot).

F2, F4 – Space Out Ranks – Applies to sharpshooters, pioneers, and artillery. Unit spaces out their line in either 1 or two ranks. Cannot be done in 3 rank formation.

F2, F5 – Close Ranks – Makes your bots get closer to each other.

F2, F6 – Form Lines – Has your bots form into line of battle. Line of battle is the default formation your bots will automatically spawn in.

F2, F7 – Form Column – Has your bots form into column. It is the fastest way to move around onto the battlefield. Cannot engage enemies in this formation unless for a bayonet charge. To get out of column formation, Press F2 then F6 to form into line of battle.

Firing Commands

Firing Commands can be accessed by clicking F3 on your keyboard. Each command will follow in the sequence in which you will activate commands (F3, F4), with the first Function key being the sub menu, and the second Function key being the execution command. You will then be given a sub menu of the following commands when first pressing F3:

Important Note: Bots will always spawn at HOLD FIRE and will not engage any enemies at range until you order them to fire. Musicians will play for your unit when you engage with firing commands, except for units without musicians.

Hold F3 to mark a specific target for you unit to target. They will only target the unit in the marker area unless enemies charge melee with you or you are not facing the direction of the marker.

F3, F1 – Fire at Will – Your bots will engage the closest enemy unit in their line of sight with a maximum range of 150 meters. When you tell your bots to fire, musicians will automatically play their instruments to give your unit a 10% reload buff.

F3, F2 – Hold Fire – Your bots will hold fire and not engage anyone until you order them to do so. Musicians will cease playing their instruments. This is also the default order bots will spawn following, so be sure to have the command to fire for them ready before engaging the enemy.

F3, F3 – Play Music while Holding Fire – The musicians will play their instruments when you are holding fire. Still give the reload buff, but not advisable to use if you are trying to ambush the enemy.

F3, F4 – Fire on My Command – The bots will aim their weapons at the nearest enemy unit or at your marked target.

F3, F4, F4 – Fire By Company/All Fire – All your bots fire at once into a target. Offers the best cohesion between your bots and can inflict the highest casualties onto the enemy at once. Cam be troublesome to use if you die in a pitched battle as your bots will wait until you command them to fire.

F3, F4, F5/F6/F7 – Ranked Fire – F5,F6, and F7 allows for the ability to fire by rank.

Weapon Usage Commands

Weapon Usage Commands can be accessed by clicking F4 on your keyboard. Each command will follow in the sequence in which you will activate commands (F4, F5), with the first Function key being the sub menu, and the second Function key being the execution command. You will then be given a sub menu of the following commands when first pressing F4:

Weapon usage commands influence the type of weapon your bots will use or modifications for your bots’ weapons. The commands either has your bots strictly use ranged weapons, melee weapons, their fists, or to unfix their bayonets. These commands DO NOT let you pick the type of weapon a bot spawns with. You can only modify what they have on-hand after they spawn.

F4, F1 – Use Weapons At Will – Bots will be defaulted to use weapons at will, meaning they will shoot enemies at range and melee enemies who are close. Bots with instruments will just play their tunes.

F4, F2 – Use Ranged Weapons – Bots armed with rifles, muskets, or pistols will use their ranged weapons only. This order can also help with bots getting kited by people so they can maintain firing. However, this is dangerous as rambos can attack your bots with no repercussions.

F4, F3 – Use Melee Weapons – Bots will use their bayonets, swords, or rifles for melee only and will not fire their guns or play instruments. Bots will not charge into battle in this order unless ordered to. Can be used to sneak up on enemies in melee.

F4, F4 – Use fists only – Bots will holster their weapons and only have their fists out. Can be used to sneak up on enemies as flag bearers will “store” their flags in the Aether Realm.

F4, F5 – Unfix/Fix Bayonet – Bots fix or unfix their bayonets. As mentioned earlier, unfixing bayonets helps bots with their accuracy over range, but puts them at a melee disadvantage.

Bot Assistance Commands

Bot Assistance Commands can be accessed by clicking F5 on your keyboard. Each command will follow in the sequence in which you will activate commands (F5, F2), with the first Function key being the sub menu, and the second Function key being the execution command. You will then be given a sub menu of the following commands when first pressing F5:

Bot Assistance will always be activated for bots to help when moving artillery pieces, ammo crates, prop building, removing, and repairing.

Bot Speed Commands

Bot Speed Commands can be accessed by clicking F6 on your keyboard. Each command will follow in the sequence in which you will activate commands (F6, F1), with the first Function key being the sub menu, and the second Function key being the execution command. You will then be given a sub menu of the following commands when first pressing F6:

Bots will always mimic your movement speed when they first spawn. When you walk, the bots will walk and so on.

F6, F1 – My Speed – The bots will mimic your movement speed at all times. When you are looking into your binocs, reloading, and aiming, the bots will walk.

F6, F2 – Bots will run or move just at their default speed.

F6, F3 – Bots will sprint to their positions. Bots consume stamina in this movement and slow down after 12 seconds of sprinting.

Commander Battle and Commander Conquest

Commander Battle is a one life mod where you must eliminate the other team by defeating all enemy units on the field of battle. Your bots can only respawn at Sapper-made Reinforcement wagons. These wagons allow you to respawn bots, but only a few bots can be spawned per unit during a round. The round will end when one side loses all their bots and commanders or if a Key Capture Point is held when there is less than 5 minutes of the round left.

Commander Conquest is similar to Commander Battle, but objectives must be captured to score points over the enemy. The more points held, the higher the score multiplier will be for the team with the most points held (similar to Battlefield’s Conquest Mode). If units are wiped out, they will respawn in waves alongside other wiped out units. Killing enemy units gives points to your team as well as holding capture points. It is important to work with your team in this game mode as coordinated enemy teams can easily force you to be stuck in spawn on maps. Bots can also be respawned at reinforcement wagons.

Written by Nobleman Asa

Here we come to an end for the Commander Battle Basics – Battle Cry of Freedom guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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