Enable ClickLock to Mimic Holding Down Mouse Button – Bubble People

Save some stress on your hand and wrist while playing Bubble People

Enable ClickLock

You can easily configure your mouse to hold a left click on its own without downloading any additional software. Just follow these steps on your Windows computer

  • Open your computer’s control panel by searching for “control panel” in your computer’s search bar
  • Use the search bar in the control panel window to look up “mouse”
  • Click on the link that says “Change mouse settings”
  • A settings window will pop up on the screen–Select the first tab called “Buttons”
  • At the bottom there’s an option to enable “ClickLock”, just check this box and save your settings

Once this is done you can activate ClickLock by holding down your left mouse button for a few seconds and then let go. You should be able to move your cursor around the screen and “click” on objects without actually needing to hold the mouse button down yourself. Just click your mouse button a single time to return the mouse to its original behavior.

TIP: You can adjust how long you need to hold down the mouse button before ClickLock activates in the same settings window where you enabled ClickLock in the first place. Configuring the feature to require a longer click will prevent you from enabling it by accident.

Hope this helps!

Written by Marina

Here we come to an end for the Enable ClickLock to Mimic Holding Down Mouse Button – Bubble People guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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