Escape The Building Maps – Walkthrough Tutorial – Scrap Mechanic

This is tutorial about the walkthrough of the “Escape The Building Maps” Levels. This guideline is made for situations when you stuck at some places and you need a*sistance to continue. Also I made it because 90% of comments were a complaint of being stuck at the level 1.

Please, use this guideline only if you have difficulties in walkthrough.

Link to the ETB maps: – []

Level 1: Closed House

As you can see, you start up in the metal box.

Turn around and you’ll find the crate with the hammer inside. Then, look at the wall you were facing at the start and smash it with your hammer.

Leaving the metal box, you entering the house’s room with some pictures that actually the hints.

This picture is hint to the code lock of the locker in the garage room. Green pixels indicate the buttons needed to be turned on, red ones the buttons needed to be kept off. These kinds of hint-pictures and code locks will meet in some other ETB levels.

After entering the code on the locker it will open and show you another larger one hint-picture for the code locked door between garage and first hint-picture.

Opened doors will bring you to the 3 circles, that can be rotated by the central button. There is also 3 hint-picures in the previous room, black pixels show the position of the circles.

Entering the right combination will open another one door at the left from the circles. There will be the ladder. After going up you will be at the roof of the house. You can find here metal tube and hidden button at the corner.

Come to the corner button and press it.

Then come back to the combination lock room and you will find the new button. Press it and you will get the crate with the spudgun inside.

Take the spudgun, come back to the roof and go to the metal tube. There will be the wood cap inside that you need to overturn by your spudgun’s shot. Behind the cap you’ll find the button you need to activate by spudgun’s shot.

Go downstairs and go behind the ladder, you will find the opened door that will come to the sewerage.

Go at the end of the sewerage and look up, there will be the seat. Get in it and you’ll leave the sewerage and will be next to the level end.

The End

This is the end for now, this guideline is in progress of writing at the moment. I’m going to add guidelines to all of the ETB levels soon.

Thanks for reading!

Written by Sotikino

This is all we can share for Escape The Building Maps – Walkthrough Tutorial – Scrap Mechanic for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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