Eye Blockade Set Up Guide – A Hat in Time


setting up Eye Blockades (the thing where you have to defeat enemies before the cage breaks) is kind of tricky and un-intuitive, so I thought I’d make a guide to save other people the trouble I went through.

Initial Setup

The first thing we’re going to do is add the three items we need for a bare minimum Blockaded cage. go to the content browser and add a Hat_eyeBlockade Actor, a Hat_enemy_MadCrow Actor, and a Hat_InterpActor Actor. Initial Setup should look like this:

adding pylons isn’t part of this tutorial (there’s a better one in the steam workshop for that) so go ahead and do that for the bird yourself. giving Hat_interpActor a mesh is the last thing we have to do for the basic setup.

select the Hat_InterpActor (if it’s too hard to click on you can use the scene tab in the content browser) and open up it’s properties. click the little “lock selection” icon in the top right(1) then go down “Dynamic SMActor”(2) and open up “Static Mesh Component > Static Mesh Component”(3)

now go into the content browser and find boneCage under static meshes(4). select the mesh (but don’t put it in the scene) and click back on the hat_interpActor Properties. now click on Static_mesh(5) and click on the green arrow that says “use selected object in content browser”(6) when you hover over it.

congrats, the really tricky part is over.

Hooking up the Blockade

now we just have to hook everything up, which is pretty easy.

select the eye Blockade and open its properties. first, lock selected actors with the icon on the top right(1), then open up Hat Eye Blockade(2).

click on the crow in the level and, if the selected actors are locked, you should still see the eye blockade’s properties with the crow clicked. if that’s the case, you can now click the green arrow next to targets(3) and a line should appear indicating that the crow is now hooked to the eye blockade.

do the same for the cage, except instead of targets click the green arrow next to destroy on completion(4).

close the properties window and test the game, killing the crow should destroy both the eyeball the cage. if you’ve done everything right and it works, congratulations! now you know how to set up eye blockades!

if you have any questions feel free to shoot them at me by leaving a comment.

Written by SamuraiDan

I hope you enjoy the Eye Blockade Set Up Guide – A Hat in Time guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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