Five tips for Greenbeards – New Players – Deep Rock Galactic


Five tips for new players.

Tip 1:

Five tips for Greenbeards - New Players - Deep Rock Galactic - Tip 1: - 9B2E1B6B2

Tip 2:

Five tips for Greenbeards - New Players - Deep Rock Galactic - Tip 2: - 3642D906A

Tip 3:

Tip 4:

Tip 5:

Five tips for Greenbeards - New Players - Deep Rock Galactic - Tip 5: - 8157DA978

To join a “Union” you just need to join the Official DRG discord – []  server and have your discord linked to your Steam account.

You can then choose which “Union” you wanna join in The Union Terminal which is right next to Pickaxe customizer in the Space Rig.

Written by Badger

This is all we can share for Five tips for Greenbeards – New Players – Deep Rock Galactic for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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