Fix motion sickness for some people – Lost Ark


This guide is for those who have been feeling some mild headache when looking at the game on default settings.

The Fix

When I started this game I didn’t think that I’d get motion sickness but after some playtime I realized that my mild headache is not normal and it’s actually the “motion sickness” that exist in the game.

Here is a guide to reduce some of that motion sickness.

1. Sit Farther away from the screen. This sounds a little dumb but it does really work

2. Go to Settings –> Accessibility –> Photosensitivity Mode and make sure that it is on(checkmark)

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3. If those two still doesn’t fix it for you then go to Settings –> Videos –> Particle Quality –> change it to “Low”

4. If your particle still feels like a problem then it might be other effects that’s bothering you. I’d recommend turning off all “Post Processing FX Advance Settings”

5. Make sure in Settings –> Videos –> Screen Effects Settings –> Better Depth of Field is off

6. Side note HUD Side 110% is quite nice.

if all that doesn’t work

7. Turn every Screen Effects Settings to Low

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I hope this helps anyone that have been having headache from playing too much in the past week!


I hope you enjoy the Fix motion sickness for some people – Lost Ark guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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