Get a long cursor for fights – HighFleet


If you would like to have a longer cursor in fights a simple text edit can do that.


1. Go to your Highfleet game folder (usually steamapps/common/Highfleet)

2. Go to the folder Highfleet/Media/Tex

3. Use a text editor (e.g. Notepad++ or VS Code) to open the file “Midground2.res”

4. Search for the term “sign_arrow”. It should be on line 267

Animation sign_arrow
 texture = Midground2
 rect = 4075,609,12,87
 hotspot = 6,43
 zorder = 0.000000
 resgroup = 0
 frames = 1

5. Change the lines shown above to

Animation sign_arrow
 texture = Midground1
 rect = 4091,525,0.6,300
 hotspot = 0,480
 zorder = 0.000000
 resgroup = 0
 frames = 1

6. (Re)start the game. In fights the cursor should now be a long straight line and make it easier to aim

Acknowledgement: Thanks to IHakepI from – []  for their Realistic Mod from which I ‘isolated’ this change from.

Written by Fivefold

This is all we can share for Get a long cursor for fights – HighFleet for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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