Guide about S10 (Collecting Card Section) – Noel the Mortal Fate S1-7


This is a guide to how to trigger an event.
(It took me about 3 hours to get it)

1.Resting Room

Now you will need a random credit card to play at the casino.

It could be someone in this room of rest.

Also, if possible, meet our team members at an event.

2. Show Stage

(Must Do)

Talk to the NPC for a clue. (Got 3 Clues)

(If it was not on Preparing)

3. Casino

This person can sell your card for 3000 Credits

Go to the casino to win 7000 Credits

7000 Credits is your result. Talk to this NPC about 7 card numbers: (maximum,)

4. Clues

After you’ve completed all Clues ES14Y 3 –

Open Menu (X)-> Item Pages) then read it

(Clue’s question is quite easy, failure won’t affect too many, just try) again

5. Final Result

5.Final Result

Here is the final answer (.

Red Spare 10

Then, that freaking dumb will come out on the ship’s deck (!)


Here is the end.

I hope you all enjoy it.


Written by Tusuo

Here we come to an end for the Guide about S10 (Collecting Card Section) – Noel the Mortal Fate S1-7 guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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