Guide to reach 25k EMs – Mega Man X DiVE

This guide will showcase all the ways to obtain EMs without draining your bank account, as well as some tips on how to save EMs in an efficient way.


This is a guide aimed at newbies or those who look for ways to obtain EMs quickly and efficiently.

This guide will explain the many ways to obtain EMs, some methods are simple, while others require some sort of time investment to it.

If you know of a method that feels is needed to be added to the guide, leave your suggestion in the comments.

Options that require any monetary use will be ommited since this guide is aimed mostly to F2P players.

Why 25k? Because with 25,000 EMs you can do what it’s called a ‘Pity‘ pull on numerous boards, in where you can obtain a character you really, really, REALLY want.


Element Metal or EMs: A currency used for Capsule Boards and the Store. This currency is valuable if you want to improve your account’s total power with more characters as well as purchasing materials to help improve it.

Total Power: This measures your power and allows you to increase the stats of your characters, making you more proficient in missions. This is important for later on.

Zenny: The common currency of the game. Is used for the Zenny Capsule Board and the Store.

AP: Action Points. Used as energy to play missions.

EP: Event Points. Used as energy to play event missions.

Proficient Memory Cards: Used to upgrade your weapons.

Skill Points: Used to upgrade your characters skills and weapons skills.

Skip Dive Programs: Used to Skip Stages. (Only when a stage has had all three stars unlocked)

Reorganization Programs: Used as extra lives when dying on a stage.

EXP Programs: Used to give experience points to your weapons and chips.

Memories: Used to upgrade your characters ranks, weapons ranks and chips ranks.

Tech Cores: Used to unlock Hidden Skills of S Rank weapons.

Patch Programs: Used to buy Character memories of characters and weapons.

DNA Points: Use for the DNA skills of your characters.

Login Rewards

Every day you log in, you will receive a gift depending of how many days you log into the game.

*20 Element Metal

*50,000 Zenny

*300 Proficient Memory Cards

*50 EMs

*3 Skip Dive Programs

*1 Skill Point

*100 Element Metal

Making it a total of 170 EMs per 7 days!

Beginner Login Bonus

For the first 7 days Players log into the game, they will receive special bonuses.

*10 Weapon EXP Program IV

*100,000 Zenny

*100 Element Metal

*30 Gatling Gun Memories

*10 Chip EXP Program IV

*3 Reorganization Programs

*30 Alia Memories

Just 100 EMs, but hey,it’s better than nothing! – []

Newcomer Hunter Support

If you just started, or you attempted to do a reroll, you might notice a green logo on top of the screen.

Click on it.

These are all the bonuses you get just for logging into the game every day. Just by logging in the first day, you will obtain 3 Silver Tickets.

If you log in for 7 days, you can obtain 2 Golden Tickets to obtain either Black ZeroCinnamon or Ferham. Three excelent units that will definitely carry you in the Jakob Orbital Elevator later on, and Story Missions. As well as 2750 EMs in total!

Now, if you are just getting these EMs, DO NOT SPEND THEM! Even if the offer of getting a character is tempting. You will get to use them later.

Story Missions and Achievements

NOTE: EMs obtained here are finite, and the requirements get more difficult as more goals are reached. I won’t include the total EMs obtained, as by the time you reach those goals, you will probably have the 25k anyways.

When you first play a mission, you might have noticed this screen afterwards.

This screen showcases how well you did on a stage, if all requirements are fulfilled, you will get a star. Getting stars in all stages is important as that will allow you to pick up rewards from the Eddie boxes.

You can obtain 60 EMs in total after obtaining all 18 stars per Chapter.

When you finish a mission or a Chapter, you can go into the‘Mission’ icon to check on different Achievements.

The ‘DiVE’ tab will give you EMs once you finish a mission, obtaining an extra 20 EMs, making it 120 EMs on top of the 60 EMs you obtain with all three Reward boxes. So that’s 180 EMs for playing the entire Chapter.

Players can earn more EMs depending of how many times Story Missions are played.

When playing a mission, you might have found these purple orbs. These are called Deep Elements, these are just collectables that are located in different missions, usually hidden in alternative paths of the levels.

Each level will have a different ammount of Deep Elements. You can tell how many there are in the level by checking this icon in the mission preview.

If you go into the ‘Others’ tab, you can obtain even more EMs depending of how many Deep Elements you collected in total.

You can also obtain EMs by gifting AP to another Player by adding them as Friends. They can also send you AP back!

Going into the ‘Collection’ Tab will also give you EMs for the ammount of Characters and Weapons you collected, as well as how many Researchs you did in the Lab.

Meanwhile, going into the ‘Cultivation’ Tab will give you EMs once you reach specific ammounts of Total Power, as well as Upgrading Weapons to various Levels. (Not only Levels for EXP, but also Levels for Proficiency)

In the Lab, you can research Lucky Treasures. These boxes can give you 50 EMs each! But it’s randomized, so you might not always obtain EMs from these boxes, however, the rest of the prizes you can obtain are also pretty useful, going from just Zenny, to Skill Points and Proficient Memory Cards.

Depending on how often you do Researchs on the lab, you can research more boxes.

You can research up to 4 boxes per week once you reach Research Level 5.

Chips and Boss Challenge

In the Collection tab, you will also notice this achievement.

Chips are basically addons for your weapons that allows one to add a special ability to a weapon, being an additional projectile or a buff to a specific stat.

After raching Level 13, the Player is granted their first chip. Which will allows you to obtain more EMs from the Collection tab afterwards. In order to obtain Chips, Players need to go to‘Boss Challenge’under the‘Challenge’Icon.

This mode as the name describes, allows players to fight every story mode boss. Every 5 levelsgained, you will unlock a new boss to fight. Each page contains 8 bosses, which after beating them all in 3 stars, you will be able to obtain more rewards from Eddie boxes. This time being 80 EMs in total after obtaining all 24 stars per phase.

You also gainChip memories that will allow you to unlock new chips, allowing you to collect even more EMs from the ‘Collection’tab.

You can obtain more Chip memories by fighting bosses in this mode. However, you can only fight each boss up to 3 times per day.

Players can earn EMs depending of how many times Boss Challenges are played.

Once you obtain a Chip from a boss, do not hesitate in upgrading them, each upgrade not only improves the usefulness of them, but you can obtain even more EMs in the ‘Cultivation’ tab by Upgrading EXP of Chips to Level 80 and Analyzing Chips to Level 5.

Arena Rewards

This section is a bit more technical, as requires you to be more experienced in the game and actually obtain powerful characters, since the PVP experience is pretty merciless towards new players.

So let’s talk about Arena.

In order to unlock Arena, you must be Level 16. You will be presented with two options.

Battle Mode has two modes:

Practice and Ranked Match Simulation.

Only difference between these two modes is that Ranked Match Simulation is played on the current stage used in Ranked Match

There’s an option to the side called Arena Reward in where you can earn different prizes in a Lottery Draw. There’s two types, Daily and Weekly.

On the Daily Lottery Draw, you can earn 20 EMs. In order to obtain every prize, you need to fight in 10 Matches and obtain at least 1 Win.

On the Weekly Lottery Draw, you can earn a total of 170 EMs. To obtain every prize on this Lottery Board, you need to have played a total of 50 Matches and achieve a total of 3 Wins.

In total you will obtain 310 EMs every week!

The second option is Ranked Match

Ranked Match is rather unwelcoming to new players, as you will find extremely powerful opponents when playing this mode.

This mode requires the player to bring a team of 3 characters. As well as equipping powerful weapons in order to stand a chance against other players.

You will also be ranked depending on how well (or bad) you do on the matches, and the end of each month, you will receive a reward depending on the highest rank you reached that month.

It should be pointed out that once you reach a rank, and you get deranked, you will still receive the reward of the highest rank you reached. So if you reached GA rank but you get deranked to SA rank, you will still receive the rewards for GA rank at the end of the season.

At the end of the month, when the season ends and another one begins, you will be deranked back to A rank if you ever reached a rank superior to A.

Here are the rewards, cla*sified from lowest rank to highest. (Rewards might change)

D Tier:

C Tier:

B Tier:

A Tier:

SA Tier:

GA Tier:

If for some reason the images don’t load, i’ll list below the EMs earned on each Rank:

D Tier: 20 Element Metal

C Tier: 100 Element Metal

B Tier: 250 Element Metal

A Tier: 500 Element Metal

SA Tier: 750 Element Metal

GA Tier: 1000 Element Metal

NOTE: You can also earn Lottery Draws for the Daily and Weekly Lottery Boards when playing Ranked as well.

Jakob Orbital Elevator

Under the ‘Challenge’ icon, Players can also access to ‘Jakob Orbital Elevator’.

In this mode, Players will enter numerous Levels which have different types of enemies and bosses.

This mode features three difficulties:

Normal: The regular mode where players are recommended a somewhat normal Total Power number.

Hard: In this mode enemies have more health, as well as dealing more damage and recommends a substancially bigger Total Power number.

Challenge: This mode ignores Total Power, but makes enemies have more HP and disables the use of DiVE Triggers.

Players can obtain a rather large ammount of EMs combining both, the EMs per Level obtained, as well as the numerous Lucky Treasuresthat can be earned.

The specific ammount of EMs obtained from all three modes changes every few months as new floors get added to this mode. It should be pointed out that you can only obtain rewards from each Level ONCE. Each difficulty is taken separately, so you can obtain even more EMs by playing the same Level on each difficulty.

It is recommended you get into this mode once you obtain characters that can use Area of Effect(AoE) skills, as well as havingHealingand Shieldeffects.

Oca*sionaly, the Jakob Orbital Elevator will be updated with new Levels to beat. And this also brings additional challenges that are available for one week.

These require to beat specific floors in all three difficulties before the time limit. If you already cleared the levels, the rewards will be available to obtain right away.

Deep Recorder

After reaching Level 50, you gain access to the ‘Deep Recorder’.

In this mode, you can get up to 10 characters and 10 weapons which will grant you with 3 different stats:

CombatExploration and Action.

You get 4 different options to Auto-Select characters and weapons loadouts: Highest OverallHighest CombatHighest Exploration and Highest Action.

Is recommended that you select characters manually to deploy and select at least 2 characters with the Highest Action points and others with somewhat balanced points. Action points are granted every hour.

On the Deep Recorder field, you will use 200 Action Points per untouched Grid, with the exception of Hardpoint Grids, which require250 Action Points.

Each Grid requires a certain ammount of Points on a certain stat which is indicated by the Success Rate.

Success Rate is determined by the Recommended Total of each Grid, which is why is recommended to always seek Power Grids first in order to build up Combat and Exploration points.

You will find 5 different types of Grids which require specific Current Points from each stat with two exceptions:

*Combat Grids: Requiring Current Combat Points.

*Exploration Grids: Requiring Current Exploration Points.

*Hardpoint Grids: Requiring Current Combat Points + Current Exploration Points ÷ 2. Note: The difficulty will change according to the completion of the grid of other players.

*Power Grids: These grids don’t have any requirement and will Increase one of the three point stats.

*Random Grids: These grids don’t have any requirement and have different effects, these being:

-Getting randomly teleported into a random empty map grid (If you get one of these after just starting Deep Recorder, you will be sent to any random grid, not necessarily an empty one)

-Point swaps between Combat and Exploration for 3 Actions.

-Increases in Current Action Points

-Increases and/or Decreases in one or two of the three stats (these decreases can only affect Combat and Exploration)

-Increases on Combat and Exploration Points based on the number of fails on Combat or Exploration Grids

-Increases or Decreases in the Success Rate% for 3 Actions (Grids that haven’t been touched yet)

Each grid also contains additional prizes once a player Wins one, these being ZennyDNA Points, and Deep Recorder Treasure Chests.

DNA Points are found in Combat and Exploration Grids, depending on how many DNA Points a Grid contains, the Higher the Recommended Total required.

Zenny is found in Power and Random Grids.

Deep Recorder Treasure Chests are found in Hardpoint Grids.

These treasure chests are what we are after, as these contain really good rewards:

*20 Skip Dive Programs

*2 Reorganization Programs

*10 Character Patch Programs

*10 Weapon Patch Programs

*4 Tech Cores

*650 Proficient Memory Cards

*2 S Rank Character Memories

*2 S Rank Weapon Memories

*15 Element Metals

*1 X Memories Card

While rewards seem to be rather mixed, the chances of getting EMs are REALLY good sometimes.

Excuse the poorly blocked armor slots.

The best part is that you can obtain 20 of these boxes weekly!

Guild Rewards and Bounty Lobby

When Level 30 is reached, you will be able to Join or Create a Guild.

Once you join a guild, you will be able to do a bunch of different things that will grant you EMs:

*Donate: Donating helps your guild to reach different rewards. Every guild member will receive a random reward daily. If Donations reach 1 Million Zenny, members will get even better rewards. Rewards vary from Boxes, Skill Points, Cards and EMs.

If donations don’t reach 1 Million, a random member will receive 20 EMs.

However, if donations reach 1 Million, a random member will get 50 EMs.

It should be pointed out that when a Guild reaches a new Rank, it will allow more players to join the guild, which will also grant rewards to more players. Meaning more chances for you to get 50 EMs daily.

*Bounty Lobby: In Bounty Lobby you will be a*signed with numerous missions which require different characters.

Players get rewarded with Bounty EXP BoxesLucky TreasuresZenny and Guild Points.

Guild Points are important since those are used to increase the rank of the Guild, allowing for better rewards in Donations and Bounty Lobby missions.

None of these Bounty Lobby missions are playable per se, as you will be sending your characters to beat the missions for you.

Depending of the difficulty of each mission (The small red squares under the bosses icons) it will ask for difficult Additional Conditions. E.g. Fourth Armor X with 3 stars or more.

The difficulty increases when a Guild reaches a new Rank.

If you don’t have a character that is required for the mission, you can always ask a friend who does have it and then select it through the Support button. If a friend is asking for a character that you DO have, in order to make the character available for them to use, just equip the character. (It takes a while to update in the Support screen)

When Dispatching a Team of characters for a Mission, it will cost 20 AP per Dispatch, sometimes it costs 30 AP. After Dispatching a team, it will take from 30 minutes, 2 hours or more depending of the difficulty of the mission.

It is NOT required to fulfill every Additional Condition, but doing so increases the rate for a ‘Great Success’ or ‘Superb Success’.

When getting a Great Success, you will be rewarded with 1.5x the ammount of rewards.

If one gets a Huge (Superb) Success, you will be rewarded with 2x the ammount of rewards.

So you will get 2 Lucky Treasures instead of 1 when you complete a mission.

You CAN’T fail these missions, but it all comes down to the ammount of rewards you receive, so always aim at getting the Superb Success whenever you can.

Bounty Missions are done daily, meaning you will get ALOT of Lucky Treasures, which is a great way of getting Skill PointsProficient Memory Cards and, of course, EMs.

Co-op and Event Stages

When reaching Level 20, you will be able to play Co-op mode.

In this mode, Players are able to play various levels alongside other players in order to obtain Armor PartsCrystals, and Armors.

Players can beat Levels 1-1 to 8-2 solo if they want. 9-1 and further are required to be played with other players.

Just like Story Missions, Co-op has Eddie Boxes that can be unlocked when getting 3 stars on every level. This time requiring 6 stars to open all 3 Eddie Boxes, granting Players 60 EMs per two stages.

In the ‘DiVE’ tab, depending of how many times Co-op stages are played, Players can earn even more EMs.

When reaching Level 22, you will be able to play Event Mode.

While this mode doesn’t really grant EMs directly, the DiVE tab will grant players EMs for the ammount of times this mode is played as well.


This section of the guide will point out other sources of EMs that aren’t really necessary to point out but decided to do so anyways for the sake of completion.

Leveling up your account will grant players EMs. Starting up from 20 EMs per level up, and then the gap between prizes will increase more and more, from 2 levels in between, to 5.

While this ammount of EMs earned in between levels is kinda worthless, there’s another way to obtain EMs by Leveling Up.

By selecting this option, Players are able to earn more EMs.

These prizes are granted per 5 levels. Granting EMsZenny and other prizes.

There are also Jakob Orbital Elevator prizes here as well for beating certain Levels.

Dr Light’s Lab

Dr Light’s Lab is an event that shows up oca*sionaly that requires Players to get colored Cubes known as ‘Program Segments’.

These Program Segments are used in Dr Light’s Lab in order to obtain different prizes which are known as ‘Best Results‘, these going from 3 Character Memories3 S Rank and 3 A Rank Weapon Memories3 DiVE Trigger Memories1 Dr. Light Card and 1 Elemental Metal Supply Box.

In order to obtain these prizes, one needs to introduce the correct “codes” using Program Segments. Each color of Program Segment corresponding to a digit of these codes. For example, code [4352] corresponds to using 4 Red Cubes, 3 Green Cubes, 5 Blue Cubes and 2 Yellow Cubes.

NOTE: Codes are repeatable

Every day you can obtain up to 70 Program Segments in Story Missions as rewards.

You can also buy Unknown Program Segments from the Store, under the Event tab. These Program Segments are randomized, obtaining a random colored Program Segment per purchase.

These can be purchased daily, increasing the ammount of Program Segments that can be obtained every day to 100.

The first 10 Unknown Program Segments cost 30,000 Zenny in total, 100,000 Zenny the next 10 and 500,000 Zenny the last 10.

You can get an extra 40 Program Segments (10 of each color) only once under the Current Event Tab.

This event also features a Ranking system, which rewards players that have obtained every Best Result reward in theleast ammount of time.

The ammount of EMs for each rank is the following:

Ranking 200000 – 50001: 20 Element Metal

Ranking 50000 – 10001: 50 Element Metal

Ranking 10000 – 1001: 100 Element Metal

Ranking 1000 – 301: 200 Element Metal

Ranking 300 – 101: 300 Element Metal

Ranking 100 – 1: 500 Element Metal

It should be noted that these prizes are HIGHLY dependant on RNG as one is required a specific ammount of Program Segments of each color to obtain every single Best Result Reward using the most optimal codes. Which is easier said than done, as obtaining a specific color of Program Segment is random.

NOTE: After the event ends, all Program Segments obtained are discarded

Hunter Token Lucky Roulette

The ‘Hunter Token Roulette‘ will oca*sionally show up alongside a random event.

This roulette is one of the BEST ways to obtain EMs, period. Each Roulette Spin costs 50 Hunter Tokens. You can obtain uo tp 300 Hunter Tokens per day, meaning 6 Spins per day. Now, while this ammount seems extremely low, some roulette rewards grant even more Hunter Tokens for alot more Spins.

These are all the possible rewards:

*100 Hunter Tokens

*200 Hunter Tokens

*400 Hunter Tokens

*500 Hunter Tokens

*3 Weapon Memory Supply Box I

*3 Lucky Treasure I

*3 Character Supply Box I

*500 Proficient Memory Card

*500 Self-learning system

*100 Weapon EXP Program II

*2 Weapon Memory Supply Box II

*1 Weapon Memory Supply Box III

*2 Character Supply Box II

*50,000 Zenny

*50 Element Metal

*300 Element Metal

You can also obtain 20 EMs up to 5 times by interchanging 300 Hunter Tokens each time. Which is a really BAD deal, as the ammount of spins you get is enough to obtain alot more EMs.So do not interchange Tokens for prizes at all, no reason for it.


There are other ways to earn EMs, these methods will be added another time. Stay tunned.

Written by NØNE/Dragon

This is all we can share for Guide to reach 25k EMs – Mega Man X DiVE for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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