Hidden Stats – Brutal Orchestra


A compilation of important information not easily available in game.

Intro & Warning Spoiler

Please let me now if there is anything you think should be in this guide.

(or correct me if it’s not)

This guide contains spoilers heavy for things in hard mode. Guides that explain obscure aspects will ruin some of the game’s mystery. While I don’t go into too much detail about the end games, I have to touch on them for this guide.

In other words: Beat the game!


A few item descriptions may be omitted or deliberately obscured for aesthetic reasons, or simply confusing. All other categories have the same rules as for items not listed.

IconNameIn game descriptionInformation is missing
Mini Mordrake“Mordrake, Mordrake,

Mordrake, Mordrake.”

All party members who are not in combat positions should be replaced with a Mordrake Clone.
Can o’ Worms“Produces 3 Fish upon any type of Damage.

Upon activation, the item will be destroyed.

“Fish”, a type of item pool like the Shop or Treasure ones, is only available to items.

The Fish pool contains items from other pools like the “Gamified Cephalopod” and “medical Leeches”. There are also exclusive items.

Wheel Of Fortune“This party member now has the freedom to make their own decisions and at the end of the day will act as they wish.”The party member can’t be told to do an action, but will perform an random one at the end. This will not consume color
Jersey“Round damages dealt by this member up to 8.

Do not hesitate to put this down.

When you perform an ability, you can heal 1 and lower max health by 1. The jersey can be destroyed upon combat end and made into the infinite jersey. When you use this in combat, all shop and treasure items are converted into the jersey.
The infinite Jersey“Round damages caused by this party members up to 10. This is a bad idea.You can heal 2 and lower max health after performing an ability. The jersey can be destroyed upon combat end and transformed into an Asymptote.
The Asymptote“Round damages dealt by this member up to 2.

If you’re reading this, it’s already too late.

Perform an ability to heal 3 and lower max health.
Norris!“Deal 6 damage for all enemies at each end of each turn.”If this party member causes any type damage to Norris, the party member will be destroyed and you will be awarded “Norris …””.
Norris…“Deal 1 Damage to All Enemies at the End of Each Turn.”This item works exactly the way it is described

“Norris is stopped”

Meatre Worm“Heal this member of the party 5 health at every turn.

25% chance of being scrumptious after use

As the kind of description implies, there is a 25% chance of this item being destroyed and made into the next Meatre Worm.
Meatre Worm“Heal this member’s health 3 times at the end of each turn.

15% chance to be scrumptious after use

Same story in its previous form.
Meatre Worm“Heal this member 1 health at every turn.


This is the final stage of the Meatre Worm.


Pa*sive, Field, & Status effects

Several of these have hidden qualities you may want to know.

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IconNameIn game descriptionInformation is missing
Oil SlickedHighly flammable. Direct damage results in random movement to one’s left or right. 1 Oil-Slicked per turn is lost.“Highly Flammable” means taking 3x fire damage.
Divine Protection“Protection of forces above- and below. Damage received will be redirected at allies without Divine Protect.This status effect reduces by 1 at the beginning each turn.
Linked“Any direct harm done to a linked enemy or party member is taken into account for all other Linked parties. This relationship also applies directly to healing.This status effect counts down by 1 at every turn.
Constricted“Prevents all movement. Other party members may swap places if they are constricted. Each turn, constricted is reduced to 1Skittish party members have the ability to move out from a restricted space after an attacker has attacked, but not enemies. In a constricted area, an enemy can’t take another enemy place.
Fleeting“This enemy/party member will flee after a specified number of turns.”If an enemy doesn’t perform an ability for the turn, this pa*sive won’t count down that turn.
Withering“If there are no party members/enemies who are not withering, the party member/enemy that is alive will instantly die.”This status effect can only be activated if a party member/enemy becomes incapacitated. If you brought only one withering enemy to a fight, you would be fine. The last non-withering enemy will flee, so the withering ones won’t die.
Fatalism“This being is known as the Messiah and its fate is protected from forces above and lower.”This pa*sive is Charcarrion’s version of decay.
Martyrdom“This being is killed for the sins a forgotten people.This one isn’t on any boss or enemy but it looks like it should. It is used by the corpse to attack icons.
Omnipotence“You are unworthy. Repent for your sins.This pa*sive can be used as a bonus attack to add “Omnipotence” to the bearer, as well as “off the fields” without the fight ever ending.


Slap Replacements

All of these are advertised as being effective, but you won’t be able to see what they do unless you have already entered combat.


SLAP!Deal 1 – 5 damages to the enemy.
Original SinThis party member needs to be healed.

Refresh this party member’s abilities.

25% chance of curse this party member

If cursed you can deal 2 damage to the party member.

Crown Of ThornsEach enemy should be dealt 1-4 damages.

50% chance to cause 1 rupture.

Worm SkinDeal 2 damage on the opposing side.

Give this party member the same amount of health.

IcarusInflict three fire on all enemy positions.

All member positions of the party should be set on fire.

Inhuman UtteringsAll members of the party are subject to 2 frailties

All enemies should be subject to 1 frailty

Trout SlapDeal 3 damage the opposing enemy.

Move the enemy to the left or the right.

“There is no honor in slapping another person with your trout.”

SabbathReduce this party member’s maximum health to the current health value.

Heal allies the equivalent of the maximum amount of health that is removed from this party member.

Blood Gamble50% chance to cause 20 damage to the opponent.

If the attack fails you can inflict 10 injuries on the party member.

CannibalizeDeal 2 indirect damage each to all other party members.

All enemies receive 1 indirect hit

You can heal as much of the damage done to your health as you would to your own.

Penance60% chance to inflict a Rupture on each opponent

40% chance to inflict a Rupture to each party member.

Abject RejectionYou must take all health information from this party member, except 1.

Do the opposite to your enemy with an equal amount of damage.


Written by MARMO

I hope you enjoy the Hidden Stats – Brutal Orchestra guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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