How I defeated the Zosimos Fight – Monster Sanctuary


This guide is meant to help new players who may be struggling on the Zosimos fight, like I did myself. I’ll show you my team, the strategy, equipment, skills and a brief walkthrough of how I did it.

I hope to save new players many hours (days) of frustration that I experienced on this fight. I spent hours researching guides and videos that are outdated and not exactly what I needed to win this fight.

The Team

This is the team that lead me to victory. This is the team that after many, MANY hours (days) of tears and frustration, beat Zosimos fight for me. I hope this team serves you well.

I didn’t have to use Setsune at all. But in the unlikely event that Magmapillar dies, you’d replace him with Setsune and spam Ma*s Restore and probably Fiery Stabs where you are able.

Dark Shifted Fungi

How I defeated the Zosimos Fight - Monster Sanctuary - The Team - 60AFBF18A

How I defeated the Zosimos Fight - Monster Sanctuary - The Team - 62F5B3FB1

Food: x3 Peanut

Light shifted Magmapillar

Food: x3 Banana

Dark shifted Arachlich

Food: x3 Banana

Dark Shifted Imori

Food: x3 Peanut

Light shifted Catzerker

Food: x3 Peanut

Unshifted Sutsune

Food: x3 Peanut

If you’re curious on where to get some of these items:

Poisoned Dart– The merchant who’s near the Tree of Evolution in the Ancient Woods

Lightning Sphere– Treasure Chest in the Ancient Woods right before you get to Horizon Beach. You need Improved Flying.

Cauldron– Alchemist in the Magma Chamber. (Have to kill the Champion monster first.)

Dumbbell– Dropped byBrutus, a Champion. Located in the tunnels of the Ancient Woods.

Blood Vessel– Treasure in the Blue Caves. It’s in the small room below from the teleporter. You need Summon Big Rock ability.

The Battle

You open with Fungi, Magmapillar and Arachlich. He opens with Mad Eye, Grummy and G’rulu.

G’rulu is a beast of a monster. I focused him down as much as I could in the first round

First round I used:

-Poison Cloud

-Fire shield

Second round:

-Beating with Fungi on G’rulu

-Shield from Magmapillar

-Ice Storm OR Shadow Storm from Arachlich

After this, it’s up to you to decide what to do. Fungi attacked and reapplied poisons when needed, Magmapillar ONLY ever used Fire Shield and Shield. He never attacked. Arachlich used Shadow Storm and Shadow Grasp when he didn’t need to heal.

Never used Ultimates.

I hope this guide is at least helpful for someone out there who struggled like I did with this fight.

Happy Adventuring!

Written by A Shiny Zoroark

Here we come to an end for the How I defeated the Zosimos Fight – Monster Sanctuary guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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