How to build the player garage – Motor Town: Behind The Wheel


A step-by-step guide with pictures on how you can build your garage.

Locating the garage location and purchasing the land

Before you can start building the garage you must purchase the land. North east to the spot on your map where you will see a sign for the land to be purchased. If you are having trouble finding it, you will see an indicator on your map that it is for sale.

Buying blueprints & accessories for the garage

I will combine some things here to consolidate how many sections the guide has.

After you purchase the land, you will need to buy a plan that will allow you place it. Blueprints may be purchased at the OIC Office in South West, or north west of Olle Speedway.

MrHwang will allow you to choose from several blueprints when you visit his office. You can also place the blueprints in other parking spots. If you have enough inventory space, they can be bought now (. *laughs* You can either wait or buy them now). I’ll be covering this more in the future.

Delivering Materials

Now that you have the basics down, it’s now time to build the garage. You will need various materials to complete this task.

These are the materials you’ll deliver

  • Concrete from the concrete manufacturer
  • Sand from either of the two construction sites
  • Planks from the lumbermill

If you don’t know where one or all of these locations are, I will show you pictures below.

Concrete Factory – South East

Sand – Construction Sites – North of Jeju oder Downtown

Jeju Construction Site

Downtown Construction Site

(IIRC the two construction sites in downtown provide sand. One of the two sites also has fine sand. Do not ignore fine sand.)

Lumber Mill Planks

Final Notes & FAQs


1. There is no predetermined delivery schedule. You can deliver what you want, whenever you want.

2. You will have the option to either “build” or place an item while you are holding it. Place is temporary and can be picked up at your convenience. It cannot be moved by anyone unless it is completely destroyed.

3. The community can help you build your garage by delivering materials! NorthHopper, or myself, are happy to a*sist you in the Discord. We’re always happy to help.

4. NorthHopper is to be commended for providing some of my old information that I had forgotten.

5. Sorry for any spelling errors. I wrote this at 5am. My bed is still pounding.

Common questions/Issues:

How much is the land/garage going to cost?

Land is $200k; garage blueprint is 10k

No jobs at concrete factories, how do you deliver?

First, deliver sand directly to the concrete factory.

Why is there no planks at the lumbermill?

You need to transport logs to the lumbermil located at lseung–ag, which can be found north and slightly south of downtown.

Can I demolish a garage if it is not in use?

Yes you can! There is a control panel on the garage’s side that you can interact and which will allow you to demolish the garage. You will get the blueprint back.

Can I put parking spots?

Yep! You can buy parking spots from the same place where you bought the garage blueprint. You can buy small, medium and big parking spots. They are exactly like they sound. There are different sizes of parking spots. You can park your car in the garage or outside it.

To delete/remove an existing parking spot, find the area in the center where the little thing is sticking out. Then interact with it. You will receive the parking lot blueprint back.

Can furniture go in it?

Yep! Yes.

Furniture Store


Written by Reddington [Red]

This is all we can share for How to build the player garage – Motor Town: Behind The Wheel for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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