How to Decide Whether to Take Raphael’s Deal in Baldur’s Gate 3: Explore Choices and Outcomes


How to Decide Whether to Take Raphael’s Deal in Baldur’s Gate 3: Explore Choices and Outcomes

Finding Raphael’s Cozy Spot in BG3

Picture this: you’re on an epic quest in Act 3, and you’re making your way to Wyrm’s Rock. Start from the Rivington waypoint and head north. Just keep walking until you bump into Raphael. You’ll find him chilling on the upper floor of a place called Sharess’ Caress (X: 24 Y: 80), right north of the South Span of Wyrm’s Crossing waypoint. It’s like finding a hidden gem!

Cracking the Code of Raphael’s Offer

So, Raphael is quite the charmer, and he has an offer you might find hard to refuse. He says he can cure your Illithid parasite. Sounds awesome, right? But hold on, nothing’s free in life! If you say yes, he will give you a shiny thing called the Orphic Hammer. But in exchange, you must find another shiny thing—the Crown of Karsus—which basically controls the Elder Brain. Decisions, decisions!

Should You Shake Hands with Raphael? The Good and Bad

If you take the deal, you get this super cool Orphic Hammer. It’s like your golden ticket to saving Orpheus from bad stuff. But here’s the kicker: your teammates might not be too thrilled about it. So, are you feeling brave or cautious? And remember, you can always change your mind later. It’s like dating; you’re not stuck forever.

What Happens if You Say ‘Yes’ to Raphael

So, you’ve shaken hands with the devil, or rather Raphael. Now, you own the Orphic Hammer, which is sort of your superhero tool to save Orpheus. But just be prepared for some side-eye from your team. If you get cold feet, there’s a mysterious place called the House of Hope where you might untangle this complicated web you’ve spun.

What if You Say ‘No Thanks’ to Raphael

Turning down Raphael means you won’t get his cure or the Orphic Hammer. But don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world! You can still get your hands on the hammer by going to the House of Hope. You’ll need to free someone named Hope and sneak into the Archives Room. Sounds like an adventure, doesn’t it?

When Betrayal Comes Knocking: Crossing Raphael

So, you’ve decided to be a little sneaky, huh? If you free Hope and then find the contract, Raphael won’t be sending you Christmas cards. He’ll want to fight you right then and there. It’s like breaking up in public; it gets messy.

When Raphael and Yurgir Enter the Scene

In a place called the Gauntlet of Shar, you’ll meet not one but two big bad guys: Raphael and Yurgir. Raphael is tough; think of him as the final boss in a video game. But if you decide to give Raphael the boot, Yurgir might just become your new best friend. He’s ready to join your team and fight alongside you. Talk about a plot twist!

Victory Loot: The Legendary Helldusk Armor

If you manage to take down Raphael, guess what? You win the ultimate prize: the Helldusk Armor. It’s like getting the trophy you always dreamed of. This legendary armor will be yours.

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