How to easily get Fector’s Challenge (With Glitches) – Stardew Valley


Fector’s difficult challenge (is easily solved with this simple trick)
Work as of 9/17/22

The Trick

So the trick is to
Original guide – []

got patched. There is still a way. It is slightly more annoying (than it is).

Recommended (but Not Necessary)

Either a prarie king arcade system or Keys of the Town

The most challenging part of achieving the achievement is that you will have to restart your entire race because of one death. This trick will allow your to set “checkpoints”, so you can go back to before dying.

You may have seen it after you exit an arcade session. This feature will return to the beginning of the furthest stage you’ve reached. This is the same feature that was used in the original guide to “reset the level” if you died. However, this will not restore the lives that you have lost.

However, your journey’s progression, as with most things in life, only saves when we sleep. Let’s say that you beat 1-1 and are now dead. You now want escape to exit the game. Get to your farm and go to bed. Your progress on the journey is now saved. Now, start the journey. Let’s suppose you die on 1-2. Sleeping is not an option. You will need to exit to title and then re-enter your saved file. Your death in prarie monarch was not saved since you exited while sleeping. You can continue up to 1-2, yet still deathless. Make sure you sleep after beating a stage deadliness. Keys to town or prarie-king arcade system are highly recommended because you don’t have the need to wait until noon every time the saloon opens.

That’s it. You should do this as soon as possible to prevent any problems. Good luck!

I’m happy to help anyone who’s confused in the comments.

Written by Richs

Here we come to an end for the How to easily get Fector’s Challenge (With Glitches) – Stardew Valley guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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