How to Execute Soll for Dummies – Suzerain

Step by step guide to get the No Sordland for Old Men achievment.

No Sordland for Old Men (Part 1)

Note that this is relevant as of 05/11/22, so this might not include any subsequent updates beyond that date.

I’ll try to summarize what I believe are the most relevant parts the best I can.

If you got the achievement using my text file and notice anything missing in my summary below, let me know in the comments.

Prologue: middle income, law, student council, enact reforms

Chapter 1: Free market, West, Relaxed, Law Enforcement, talk with Koronti, media is a tool, sign campaign finance bill, build L-1, buy 2000 Arcasian shares, bailout business, use Underhall for L-1, make deal with Koronti, enact comprehensive reforms, don’t cooperate with Orso, don’t ban youth groups, constitutional changes: (limit veto, remove Court vote, a*sembly and Court impeach, a*sembly nominates ministers, don’t change threshold, president decrees priority over statute, don’t change term limits, president can replace judges, abolish honorary membership entirely), don’t make promise with Tusk after Business dinner, the budget: (maintain health and education, increase law enforcement and decrease military)

Chapter 2: veto workers rights, regional investment in Agnland, form the ACP, maintain both large and small business taxes, discourage Monica from going to the Benfi festival, don’t take down Soll’s portrait in the school, don’t privatize schools, meeting with Gloria (emphasis democracy and not going after Soll), meeting with Albin (collude with him by offering him a cabinet position then accept when he asks to be VP), sign religion bill, accept Arcasia aid, keep immigration relaxed, buy vineyard at party, at the Benfi festival don’t say anything until you are able to tell Monca to sit down, when at home tell Monica you always support her and you’re working together, don’t build Rumburg fortifications, have ACP pursue Hawker and Old Guard, Agnolia (gift constitution, current deal not beneficial, recognize island, no military alliance), Wehlen (don’t make any agreement), Speech (emphasize change, Kibener concerns addressed, Richter should be part of change), keep conscription, Symon credit for L-1, don’t invest in megaproject, education keep current system, Lobby a*sembly for generous amount, don’t privatize healthcare, Kibener talks agree to sign bill

No Sordland for Old Men (Part 2)

Chapter 3: work with Koronti, sign Education Act, privatization, don’t privatize SSC, Nedam majority private, deals off with Marcel give keys back, a*sembly vote (go down to hall, vote, ask Gloria to speed up, ask if Clavin voted, ally with NFP, asylum for whistle blower, be nice to Soll at the movie, negotiation to have Sordland in ATO, Descension Day do what you’re told, Isabel (don’t order until she arrives, handshake, let her order first, you have salad too, emphasis balance of power, democracy, transparency, judicial shouldn’t be legislature but judicial review strike down laws, essential role, agree to Heron’s offer to have him as head of Court, after the court decision investigate Soll and reshuffle court, in the law discussion say you want the Old Guard gone and to replace the Old Guard, decrees (Capital Punishment, desollization, and radio council), trade deal and military deal with Lespia to join ATO, veto equal ability bill, don’t expand industrial production

Chapter 4: sign women’s lib, veto human dignity bill, don’t fund youth groups, veto luxury tax, sign alcohol tax, join ATO…

Trial: hell of a first case, glad to hear, pretend, owe pleasure, not your fault, no president above law, wait for court’s verdict, justice served (achievement)

Written by damnedkingdom

Here we come to an end for the How to Execute Soll for Dummies – Suzerain guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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