How to find all Pentagons on the world map – RimWorld


The world map is composed of hexagons as we all know. Tynan used pentagons to cheat because it was impossible to create a perfect globe this way.

How does it work

There are no randomly placed Pentagons. They are fixedly placed. Here are all pentagons found. Maybe it’s not all of the pentagons, but I was too lazy for more.


The seam of the eastern and western hemispheres is where the first pentagon is found, with coordinates

31.72°N 0.00°E

The next three locations are on similar coordinates.

31.72degS 0.00degE

31.72degN 180.00degW

31.72degS 180.00degW

The second set is next:

58.28°N 90.00°E

58.28degS 90.00degE

58.28degN 90.00degW

58.28degS 90.00degW

Let me know if any pentagons are missing

Thank you for reading.


Written by UberhenriK

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