How to get all fleeces (Spoilers) – Cult of the Lamb


How to get all the fleeces

The Fisherman

When you first meet the Fisherman of Pilgrims pa*sage, he will ask you for a lobster and a squid. These fish can be caught with the help of the Ritual for the Ocean’s Bounty. Each one you catch will earn you one of four pieces toward unlocking a fleece.


Soz will ask that you give him Menticide Mussels and perform other tasks. All in all, you’ll need approximately 65 Menticide Mussels. I recommend that you grow these yourself using the best spores. If you complete all of his tasks, he’ll give all the pieces for your next fleece.


Plimbo will require you to obtain Witness eyes. These can be found by going into the boss room in a boss dungeon. Do this once per Dungeon and you’ll get all the parts for another fleece.


Midas will provide a piece to each follower he has up to 4. As shown in the photo, you will find the spot where they will be sacrificed in the northern portion of his lair.

Wolf Man

The wolf man as im going to call him can be summoned at 4 locations but only during the night. He will ask you for something each time and give you one in return. There are one in Pilgrims pa*sage, one in Smugglers Refuge, one in Midas cave, one inside the spore grotto, and one elsewhere. In the photos you can see around where they should be

Written by Veron

Here we come to an end for the How to get all fleeces (Spoilers) – Cult of the Lamb guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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