How to get all Paintings, Almond Waters and Endings – The Backroom – Lost and Found


Warning! This guide will contain spoilers!


1. The opposite side of the spiral-shaped painting room.

2. Next to the mannquin.

3. Behind the pillar where the trypophobic scene began.

4. The rightmost and leftmost doors in the lightning room.

5. In a Liminal Gap, Ater exits from the Negative Side

6. After turning to The Negative side to unblock The Room turn it right once and then exit to The Right.

7. After rescuing Quaraff Dad’s son, do not exit. Instead, move to the right at the leftmost doorway.

Almond Waters

1. Near the entrance, close to the room filled with stairs.

2. Use the stairs in the room for a lift to drop down to a doorway.

3. After you enter the room with blue fireflies and turn left,

4. To make it disappear, walk through the room with one eye closed. Then, go forward one time and then move behind The Room with the now-defunct wall.

5. After you grab the Quraff Mother, move the room so that the entrance to the Chair is at the left. / “Mannequins can be found in the negative!” The Room should be moved right.

6. Move The Room around again, exit it, then fall into a hole. You can see that the room blocks the exit. Use the upper doorway instead. You can navigate to the Almond Water from the top of this room.

7. After ascending the stairs, go left.

8. After exiting from the Outside, continue to phase through the wall on its positive side. Then, go back to the Outer Doorway and turn around.


2. Burn a Quraff.

3. Burn two Quraffs.

5. The Room will have enough fuel without having to burn a Quraff by using a combination painting and almond waters.

6. All Quraffs Must Be Burned

7. Burn all paintings, and Almond Waters. If the fuel reaches 100, then you will be executed.

Please read this

Please comment if there is a way to get Almond water / Endings you missed. Thanks!

Also, thank-you for reading this guide! 🙂

Written by Techno09

Here we come to an end for the How to get all Paintings, Almond Waters and Endings – The Backroom – Lost and Found guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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