How to grind melee, vitality and ranged while afk – Core Keeper


Hello and welcome to my exp farm guide for melee, vitality and ranged combat!


Step 1 preperations:

First you have to find the Hive Mother in the clay biome (3rd boss).

Next you must have enough mining damage to destroy the Larva Hive Wall.

Then trap the Hive Mother and all mob spawns in one room with a hallway to the south with the Larva Hive Wall (dont use other materials the mobs can destroy other wall types).

Find the spot where the Hive Mother just about can’t reach you with its attacks, tile 14 (from spawned Hive Mother) measured from the first tile the Hive Mother does not occupy (picture)

and build a bridge diagonally to the tile no. 14 & 15 (picture).

You have to do this diagonally cause the hitbox from the big larva is too far away without any melee weapon, make sure you are standing on a ground type that isnt affected by acid like bridge/carpet, the acid bug sometimes explodes and this would cover your spot with acid.

Sometimes the small larva glitch through the gap while they are attacking,

so I recommend using spikes around you if you are going afk,

I also recommend equipping life reg/life on hit rings/necklace and if you train ranged you can make the gap bigger than 1 tile.


Step 2 fight:

First damage the Hive Mother with a ranged weapon till she goes into rage mode (higher mob spawn frequency) or you can build a bridge, hit her and then run away and destroy the bridge again.

Now find the right spot on tile 15 where you can reach the enemies but they can’t hit you, without a weapon equipped if you train melee (hits = exp). You can go for the starving debuff up to -25% damage dealing if you kill them too fast and they dont respawn fast enough, make sure to invest in attack speed in the melee skill tree for more hits per second.

If you want to train range combat make sure to bring enough ranged weapons with you to sustain the durability (if a ranged weapon breaks, the same weapon will be equipped automaticly if there is one in the inventory).

For the afk grind part you either have to use keyboard with macro functions or you can somehow put something heavy on the left mouse button or you can go to the ingame settings (controls) and toggle a key for “attack” like “U” for example and jam a coin or something else that consistently presses the button down.

Closing Notes

Thanks for reading and have fun with grinding!

Written by Danny

This is all we can share for How to grind melee, vitality and ranged while afk – Core Keeper for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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