HowTo Aggressive Phantom – Rogue Company


How to play a Phantom that can attack points alongside the team and not camp on the roof getting back-stabbed every time you get repelled by a Dahlia.

Phantom Base Stats

Phantom comes equipped with 4 SPEED, 2 TOUGHNESS.

Because she is a fragile and fast-moving sniper, it is not recommended to trade openly in the field. At 4 Speed, you can afford being very dodgy. Use the ROLL Key to avoid fire and roll between walls and cover to keep your enemy out of your sight.

Ideally, you don’t want to be seen in the open unless you are taking a shot within the next two to three seconds.

Phantom is the fastest moving sniper. This is a crucial strength for Phantom. Trench or Runway are better suited to those who prefer to snipe from a position.

This means you can play very aggressively. It is important to know your position on the pitch. You don’t want in the center of the capture area (STRIKEOUT) Keep close to your point but move a little farther to give you more room to retreat.


Nano Smoke is fairly self-explanatory. It’s basically a smokegrenade that scans enemies upon entry, and is an opaque visual obstruction.

The smoke area of the effect is not large so enemies can just avoid the scan by avoiding the exteriors. This is not meant to be used as a smoke tool to block your view, but as a deterrent to enemies from using a specific corridor or flank for a while. Since most players won’t willingly step into the smoke, they will not get scanned. Another use is during duel. Here you can throw the smoke over yourself to conceal and provide some safety. The smoke will likely blind the enemy so don’t rely too heavily on it. If your smoke is down, it will limit the opponent’s move space while allowing you to roll into and out of the smoke.

It can be used to check flanks, or to block them off temporarily. You can nano smoke a cover that you know someone is hiding in when playing with public players. This will alert your team about their location.

Although the smoke itself isn’t as strong as other rogue’s abilities, it is still powerful. However, having both your nano-smoke and a scanner on cooldown rotation provides you with a lot information.

Because your pa*sive Grievous Wounds don’t affect how you use the game, it is unlikely that you will think about it. Most enemies with grievous injuries will be able or able to be rescued from or healed without delay, except where pushes are required. I would prefer Fixer’s pa*sive, or Sigrid’s, which will let you fight Fixers, Trenches, but that might make Phantom a bit too OP.


Phantom can choose between two types of snipers: Fullbody default and Tyr or any one the Assault Rifles. Nightshade will be the default AR.

The TYR may be more appealing because it allows you to make a quick followup and forgive a missed shot. However, Fullbody is better for those who are good at aiming. It has a larger magazine and does slightly more damage, which makes weaker enemies easier. Both sniper rifles are capable of one shot in the head and two in the chest.

A Fullbody is recommended if you want to play an aggressive Phantom. Due to the nature, you will not have the time to reload, you will be fighting in intense battle.

Assault rifles may not be your first choice. Phantom’s sniper rifle is why she chose it. There are many better AR characters. If you have to swap an AR because of the map being tight, the default Nightshade works well, but its DPS doesn’t make it worth trading. Runway’s Hydra is a good choice. The Hydra’s DPS is very high and it works well as a magdumper when you are close.

Her pistol is almost always used as a finishing weapon. Do not use the pistol to attack an enemy when you are at your maximum health. You will lose the trade. Instead, take a look at the target and make a quick shot at it. It doesn’t need to be a headshot. Speed is key in such situations. If it takes you three seconds to aim for the head, DO NOT. If you have to hit the head immediately after leaving cover, roll back and get your pistol ready to finish the target.

Many rogues received a buff after the update which removed quantity from gadgets.

Phantom can now freely use her gadgets for scouting and aggressive play. Your scanner device can be used to inspect corners, overcover, and in corridors where there is suspicion of enemy presence. A duel can be used to throw your scanner over cover, which will give you powerful intelligence on the enemy’s location.

Knowing is half a battle. Being able catch the outline and movement of your enemy before they are visible helps you position that sniper shot.

With this playstyle, your grenade is not going to be the best tool in your kit. It will be used more as a tool for finishing off downed enemies behind concealment.

Your melee is useful in quickly finishing off enemies, although you won’t get shot down if your melee is there. It is a nice tool to have, especially if you are caught without rounds in the sniper.

Perks & Purchasing Order

You need to take your time when upgrading your sniper rifle. Your sidearm does not require you to spend too much. You don’t need to spend a lot on your sidearm. Intel is your friend. The sniper gun can still be used to one-shot well at level 1, so upgrading it is not as important as upgrading other cla*ses.

Prioritize acquiring your perks, not upgrading your consumables. In fact, the scanner and nade are good enough. If you don’t have enough money, upgrade the scanner level 2.

As shown below:

1. Tracker Rounds

Intel, Intel, Intel. If you have just shot someone, you can get 3 seconds of wallhack to see if they are pushing for help or hiding. In either case, it is easy to snuff them out.

2. Shredder Rounds

This one is available as an option purchase. It is expensive, but essential if an enemy team has a heavy composition. This perk can be purchased even if all the enemy are running lighter rogues.

3. Stalker

While this perk may not be as important to a traditional sniper as it is for an aggressive Phantom pushing points, it can still be very useful to be able move in and out of the game faster.

4. Life Drain

This perk can be useful when you are running out of time or are facing multiple hostiles. It is great to be capable of taking down one enemy and instantly gaining 60 HP to enable you to survive long enough so that you can take down another. It is only second on the list due to its high price. If you’ve bought Shredder rounds before, it is difficult to get this one.

5. Nimble Hands

Reload speed is a benefit, but it’s not as important as the earlier perks. Fullbody can survive for a reasonable amount of time. This perk works well because it is quite affordable.

6. Crackshot

While most sniper shooters will be happy to have this perk, it is not essential. Most rogues are already dead in one headshot, even if they have an unupgraded Fullbody. This perk is most useful when you are headshotting heavy targets like Mack and Anvil. Even then, they don’t have speed and can be slow to get you to the spot where you need it most. But the tactics against them will remain the same.

7. Helping Hand

You are not a Saint. It can be very useful if someone is going down beside you. But your money needs to go somewhere.

8. Gunsmith

Falloff range doesn’t matter for a Fullbody. Magazine size. The Fullbody can hold quite a few rounds. Unless your missing a round of fire, the extra rounds might not be worth it. You get more shots when you upgrade your Fullbody.

HEADSHOTS Are Not Always the Best Way to Go

One of these key points is that although headshots are the best thing to do and are easy to get down rogues instantly, the truth is that most of us are not Shrouds. Most of us will struggle to maintain consistent headshot rates above 88%. This is normal.

Rogue Company believes that the most important thing is how you manipulate situations to your favor. If an enemy rushes to you, the 4 seconds it takes to aim his head at you can often lead you to being killed for overexposure. Phantom is often killed by missing his head. It is more effective and easier to aim at the centerma*s instead. This allows you to take a shot at the torso, which has a higher success ratio, and leaves the enemy in a weaker condition. At this point you can easily finish them with a second or third shot, or even melee.

The Tyr rifle in Fixer’s kit can speed up followups, but because it has a short ammo supply, any missed shot is a death sentence. This means you cannot take on multiple enemies at once without reloading.

Your role as an sniper is not just to kill enemies but to also instill fear in enemies so that they are less likely to push or be aggressive. As a mobile sniper, you move the no-go zone around constantly. This is more than the normal snipers who only camp at one location and leave entire flanks open.

Rogue specific Counters

Phantom’s primary targets are slow, rogues such As Saint and Anvil. These are often not only ineligible to return the DPS you have traded, but are also key targets that often hang behind the line as support. Anvil will likely survive the first shot because of his heavy armour. However, even weakening Anvil can give your team an opportunity to push him.

Umbra will try and use his spider against you once he suspects your becoming a difficult target to rush. In such cases, you can shoot his spider with your sniper gun, something most rogues do not have. If you don’t have the time to deal with his spider immediately then use your movement speed and rolls while he’s in spider mode to quickly flank him. This allows for quick kills as he won’t be able to respond immediately while he’s still in spider mode.

Counter snipers pose the greatest threat to you. Fixer and Runway are your top three targets. Phantom is your number two target. They can as easily one-shot your targets as you can. Sniper fights can be difficult in these situations due to reflexes and accuracy. Do not always stand taller than where you last saw them. Chances are that they are not capable of navigating the terrain or are ready to take a quick look at those spots. Instead, use your roll to engage. It is more likely that they will shoot you in the back, which weakens them. However, sniper rifles can fire slowly so you have a chance to get a headshot. If either they or you are unable to take it down, take it slow and retreat to cover to heal up. In a sniperfight, both sides can’t push or throw nades. You can use your sensor against Runway. He will most likely try semtexing you.

You should pay attention to rushers such as Lancer, Glitch, and Scorch if they approach you. They will typically approach from the corners or along the sides. If you’re fast enough, you might be able to land the first shot. This will seriously weaken them. Arbitrator lancers are annoying. They will play very much like you are playing. You will have an advantage if your scanners are working and you smoke to catch them before their turn. A rolling Lancer can be difficult to headshot. You should aim for centerma*s. Follow up.

Dahlia is tough to defeat due to her DMR DPS as well as her speed. The MXR can quickly take you down. However, she is fragile and can be severely injured by a single shot from a sniper.

Mack and Sigrid may be difficult to handle, since Mack has high armor and Sigrid has her shield and crouched. Mack will require more time to fight so move back immediately. You will have higher DPS at range when he charges you. Don’t let him get near to your claymore. Sigrid can’t keep up if you are in shield mode. Roll away. When she opens, ignite.

Vy will throw fire nade towards you. Roll. Roll when she throws you poison. Roll when she rushes. Vy can’t stop you from hitting the first shot. Chaac gets treated similarly, with Vy having to finish him once he is down.

If you are fighting a Juke you should use your pistol against her sentries if she attempts to pull yourself out of cover. Without her LMG spam, she will not be able to win a direct rush on you. In a cover fight, your sniper will have more DPS. Her dodge roll keeps the woman at a standing height, and it is even more important for avoiding sniper firing.

Ronin handled the situation in much the same way you would with any other rogue. Be on the lookout!

In the end, you need to realize that you can have the highest DPS with your sniper weapon. It is up to you how to make it work.


Written by Bottle of Acid

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