Hybrid Path Guide – Aground


This is a guide to help those of you who want to do the hybrid path but don’t know how, because when I tried it there was not nearly enough information out there.

The Begining Of The Hybrid Path

To start you need to go up the tech line until you get the Mecha Worm from the surgery lab, and go up the magic line until you get your first Evo Gem. Once you have gotten both of those, use the Evo Gem on the Mecha Worm to make a Mecha Dragon. Then you need to talk to the Alchemist on the home island and he will move to the Mirrows lab. After that, you need to make the Bombardement Shield (I highly suggest making the Patrol Ship before making the Bombardement Shield, so that you can get more exotic matter to make more power cores). Then, to create a Mecha Dragon Ship, you first need to make a dragon ship, then another Mecha Dragon so you can use it to make a Mecha Dragon Ship. To meet the unique Hybrid path NPC, you need to fly your Mecha Dragon Ship down onto the gas giant in the starting solar system, there you will discover that it is not a gas giant it was just disguised as one. To activate the monolith there, you must go to The Depths, and finish all the quests there

The End Of The Hybrid Path

To finish the game the Hybrid pathway you need to go to the Enemy HQ and do the Magic Seed quest, after that you need to talk to the teacher and finish his quests, and you will finish the game! By the way, there is a lot more cool stuff and quests but I am not going to tell you all of it because I don’t want to spoil it for you. One final note: if you want to finish the game the hybrid way, you will have to make sure you do not kill the last boss!

Written by Jaggard

Here we come to an end for the Hybrid Path Guide – Aground guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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