Insurgency Model Swapping – Insurgency


A quick and easy way of model swapping without breaking the animations of the model.

Credits to MrBrightside for the original tutorial

Insurgency Model Swapping – []

Disclaimer: This is my first tutorial and is based on MrBrightside’s model swapping tutorial.

Hope it helps those who want to try hands-on with model swapping


Things Needed


1) Gcf scape

2) Crowbar

3) Blender and a little knowledge of using it.

4) Notepad/Notepad++


Note: This tutorial is based on DEFAULT weapons. Also, this tutorial does not involve moving the bones so if the new model is shorter or a little misaligned, some attachments

might not appear to be on point.





1) *:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\insurgency2\insurgency (where * is the drive letter that u install Steam)

2) Look for ‘insurgency_models_dir.vpk’

3) Using Gcf scape, open up ‘insurgency_models_dir.vpk’

4) Click the ‘+’ beside models and go to weapons

5) Look for the name of the gun that you want to change

6) Copy then paste the 3 files a*sociated (*.vtx, *.mdl and *.vvd) of the model that you want to change to your prefered workspace. ie: desktop\insurgency\mod_folder

7) Prepare your new model files (preferably in ‘.obj’ format as it will make it easier — at least to me :p) and put it in the same folder as the model files that you want to edit.


Hands on time!!


1) Decompile the .mdl file using crowbar

2) Open blender and import the .smd file that you get after decompiling

3) Import the .obj file into blender

4) Align and resize the .obj model (in edit mode of blender) to the .smd model. Once you are done, you can move the .smd model up to make it easier for the next steps.

5) Join the 2 models

6) Set the vertex groups

7) Delete the .smd model and apply the location of the .obj model

8) Import the .obj model as a .smd file

Done with model editing..


Editing the QC file and renaming the original .mdl file


1) Delete the lines from ‘$Section frames * *’ onwards

2) Add the line $IncludeModel “weapons\*_anims.mdl” (where * is whatever the name u want to put)

3) Save the qc file and compile it using crowbar

4) The original .mdl file of the gun that you copied needs to be rename the same as the $IncludeModel line. ie: v_mk18.mdl to mymk18_anims.mdl

5) Copy this *_anims file to the weapons directory in the compiled folder

At this point you are basically almost done. All you need to do is to copy the compiled folder to your ‘custom’ folder in Insurgency. If you dont have the ‘custom’ folder you will need to create one.

Test the new model in HLMV. Make sure there are sequences available and not just ‘idle’.

***Credits to the owners of the programs being used in this tutorial.***

Written by Cooling The Bus3rd

I hope you enjoy the Insurgency Model Swapping – Insurgency guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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