Laboratory Mixing – Sheltered 2


some recipes for mixing medicines at the makeshift laboratory

Laboratory Recipes

Swill= aloe vera, holy basil, oak bark, and pa*sion flower.

Crunk= ginger root, oak bark, pa*sionflower, and raw honey.

Feederral= alfalfa, aloe vera, echinacea, and ginger root.

Python= aloe vera, holy basil, oak bark, and st. john’s wort.

Snodge= echinacea, ginger root, pa*sion flower, and yellow jasmine.

Trankwill= ginger root and raw honey

Sigma= raw honey, echinacea, and aloe vera

Written by Annab3th1an

Here we come to an end for the Laboratory Mixing – Sheltered 2 guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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