Linking Existing NetEase Data to Steam (& why you should before downloading on Steam) – Infinite Lagrange


Guide on how to link your existing progress/account from mobile client to Steam client

Forewarning and the Why

Infinite Lagrange’s Steam “build” is horrible when it concerns account linking and management. You will need to use your phone to view/swap/bind the accounts. There is no button in game to do this. This is ridiculous, and I hope they add the button.

In short: If you have any existing mobile game data, you should do this. You should not a*sume that you are starting from scratch.

The How

Before opening Steam, the following steps should be taken on mobile:

1 – Open your game, and then stay on the title page.

2 – Click the person icon in top left. This will open NetEase account administration.

3 – Click on the “Bind Account” button.

4 – Select Steam

5 – Login to Steam with your Steam details.

6 – ?? ?

7 – Profit.

To ensure it is properly connected

Check the “Bind Accounts” tab to verify that Steam displays “unbind”, instead of “Bind”. If it does it, it means that Steam has bound.

What’s next?

Simply open the game and it will use your account data.

Written by karm

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