List of all the things you should know when playing – NAMCO MUSEUM ARCHIVES Vol 1

Here is a list of all the things you should know when playing the Tower of Druaga.

Gameplay Mechanics

Gil’s Sword

The sword is Gil’s basic attack, each time you press Z or X Gil will swing the sword. However, if you hold down the action button, the sword will stay out but be careful as this does leave the player vulnerable.

Gil’s Shield

The shield is Gil’s main defense, protecting the player frontwards, but did you know if you pull out the sword the shield will then be on Gil’s left side. Keep this very in mind when fighting multiple enemies at once.

Gil’s Movements

Not many players know this but the direction that Gil moves is dependent and quiet underwhelming. When you move Gil at any square the game will auto-lock to an incorrect location. This is because the game was originally built just like Pac-Man. However, sometimes this can be helpful when you are trying to get away or dodge enemy attacks.

Gil’s Health

The game doesn’t display Gil’s health, however the higher floors you get to, then the stronger you will become in order to defeat Druaga. This is because most items in the game will protect Gil from taking damage, you will have to find useful equipment to increase Gil’s vitality.

Gil’s Lives

Everything in this game is trying to harm Gil, even getting Zapped and turning to a lower floor will result in losing a life. You can get an extra life once every game for 50,000 points.


While Gil’s inventory space is unlimited, you cannot have the same type of item. If you have a better or even a stronger item, the previous item will disappear replacing for a new one. This can be said about potions, equipment, mattocks, rings, and books.

Tips & Hints


The mattock you get on Floor 1 has only two usage. The second time you use it will break and disappear from Gil’s inventory. However, after using it once, if you collect a treasure on any floor, the mattock will replenish and can be used again. This can also be done with the Silver Mattock.

Fire Element

Stand in front of a fire but not too close, then swing the sword. The fire will be extinguished. Unless if you have the Blue Necklace, then you do not need to worry about the fire from the Sorcerer’s spell.


When the timer runs out, the Will-o-Wisp will appear. You may also find them on higher Floor levels. The Blue Wisp moves counter-clockwise, and the Red Wisp moves clockwise.

Bell Chime

If you have it, the Chime will make a giggle sound indicating the direction where the Key is.


Continue Mode

Press & hold the action button Z or X then press Start. Move the arrow keys to select a Floor level then hit Start again.

How To Access Another Tower

Press the UP arrow 6 times, LEFT arrow 4 times, then RIGHT arrow 3 times. The logo will then turn green, and congratulations you have grant access to Another Tower. In this mode the game will consist of a different layout, treasure items will be much harder to obtain than the original.

This is all we can share for List of all the things you should know when playing – NAMCO MUSEUM ARCHIVES Vol 1 for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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