Literally my Experience Guide – Hidden Deep Playtest


Literally my experience

Section 1 : How high is it to kill you?

This for example, if you jump without hanging from the ledge, you wil die.

You will never know how high the surface must be, to be death threating.

Literally my Experience Guide - Hidden Deep Playtest - Section 1 : How high is it to kill you? - 9C1003477

You can only pick the height in your mind and hope for the best, there are no medium fall damage, there are only two ways, either you fall safely, or fall and die in one hit.

Section 2 : The Vent

On Realism if you fail the vent part, you have to do all of that again, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

I could not get past the vent part i’l do it later. (It means i rage quited lol, i won’t do that all over for 1 hour and lag.)

Section 3 : Idea

Crouching ability, because when you are up against threats, you really need a second character to back you up, but he doesn’t want to hit you in the process, so crunch and then he can take out the threats while you reload.

Section 4 : The Lag

If you restart too many times, it starts to go bullet time, which makes the time really slow… REALLY slow, i would age to old age by the time the characters get to where they need to go. No good. (The lag might make it even unplayable.)

Section 5 : The Shenanigans

Alright its really good but, THE TEXT IS BLOCKING THE HUD, wish he would be from the right instead.

This worm had a seizure and could not get me.

Floats because C4 destroyed underneath it

Me using 2 C4 to do a short cut….

Which has a chance of killing you.

I got myself into a pickle (I died)

The stupid pit full of water which serves no purpose but to use ESC to restart.

The rope floats on nothing

Literally my Experience Guide - Hidden Deep Playtest - Section 5 : The Shenanigans - 1C740AE5D

If murphy dies you can already restart, but the game stil keeps on, to give you false hope that you can actually escort this engineer to safety….what a fool.

And you can’t even loot his dead body to get the things to help you get across, like its so dumb.

Literally my Experience Guide - Hidden Deep Playtest - Section 5 : The Shenanigans - C698F3CF8

Again so close but the bugs got closer to him.

Literally my Experience Guide - Hidden Deep Playtest - Section 5 : The Shenanigans - 9643231D2

The horrifying worm that clipped through floor….literally was afraid for his life when it started to clip through the floor.


If you use the scout ball, you leave yourself vulnerable and you don’t know if the character is getting hurt before you realise the character’s HP got to 0% and he died ON REALISM. I wish when you got hurt you get switched to the current character that is getting a*saulted. Or at least an alert.


Waiting for Co-op in the future

Written by sosku10

This is all we can share for Literally my Experience Guide – Hidden Deep Playtest for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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