Moving While Calling in Stratagem on XBOX Controller in HELLDIVERS 2


Moving While Calling in Stratagem on XBOX Controller in HELLDIVERS 2

When I first started playing HELLDIVERS 2, I struggled with using my XBOX controller efficiently. But after tweaking some keybinds, I got the hang of it. To help others, here’s my step-by-step guide on how I set up my controller for smooth navigation and stratagem calling.

First, I launch the game and access the options menu. Under “Controller,” I select “Change Bindings” and re-map “Open Strategem List” from a hold to a long press with the A button. This prevents accidentally opening it mid-firefight.

Moving While Calling in Stratagem on XBOX Controller in HELLDIVERS 2 1 -

Then, I a*sign the direction pads – normally used for moving and aiming – to the ABXY buttons instead. This keeps my thumbs anchored for better control. However, some players report issues despite enabling “alt” functions, so your mileage may vary.

With these tweaks, I can now swiftly move, aim, and call reinforcements without fumbling. I hope you find these tips helpful. Just takes some re-mapping and practice. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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