Notes – Dinkum


These are some notes I have for Dinkum.


G’day, and thank you for coming by, mate!

This guide is still in development. I plan to keep it current.

This guide is intended to be a clear explanation. Will not contain:

  • How to become rich as quickly as possible
  • How to “complete” the game quickly.
  • Any information about mods, glitches or cheats.

This guide Will contain:

  • Lists.
  • Spoilers. There are many spoilers!
  • It is unfinished content – it is still a work in progress.

You can help! To improve this guide, I invite you to use the comment section. Every suggestion will be considered!

About me: I’ve been playing Dinkum since early access. You will often find me in the official Dinkum Discord as one “Fletch’s Helpers,” where you can volunteer to help the wonderful Dinkum Community!

All content in this guide was sourced directly from me, the official Dinkum Discord and/or the official Dinkum Wiki.

Advice for New Players

To new players, I recommend that they play the game at their own pace.

When you start out, money is scarce. There are so many ways to make money in games that you don’t have to worry about making the most money.

The game is more complex than it appears at first glance. You can learn a lot more by raising your skills and purchasing new licenses.

It is important to remember that the game was not meant to be played if you focus on making money by doing one thing over and again. You can’t do all the things you want every day, but some things have huge payouts.

You are ultimately free to do what you like. Be careful and keep backups.

Last but not least, you can simply exit the game without saving or sleeping, so the entire day is erased or “forgotten.”

Getting Started

Start with character creation. You can choose any name, look, and island name that you like. It doesn’t matter what game you play.

Each island is created randomly. Although they look similar, the main differences between them are their river locations, terrain, and biome borders. Each island is different. Looks Different yet Feels familiar!

The tropical area is always located in the same area. The ocean is always ocean. The dock is always located on the East side. The island has towers at the Eastern, Eastern, Southern, and Western ends.

After you have seen the opening scene, you can skip it on subsequent playthroughs by pressing escape.

If you are playing the experimental version, you can pause the game in single-player mode in the game options.

Here’s how to break down the time of day:

Morning 7am-11am

Afternoon 11am-6pm

Evening 6pm – midnight

LATE at/after midnight, up to save or leave

You can continue playing even if it is late, but your stamina will be greatly reduced, making it very costly to perform actions that require stamina. I use this time of the day to do things that don’t require stamina such as cooking and using the table saw and furnace.

Best location for Base Camp

It doesn’t matter where you put your tents up and build your village. However, some areas will be more difficult than others. You will need to swim out to islands at the beginning, but it is possible to do anything!

Many players prefer to start in the middle of the map or near one tower for easy travel after you have repaired the towers.

With a few caveats, you can always move your buildings later if necessary.

1. Until you upgrade them, you can’t move the player tent or base tent.

2. Every time you move a building, it costs 25k dinks.

Ending the Day (also known as Auto-Save)

Fletch will give you a sleeping bag when you enter the base tent. This is through your first day of dialogue. You can either place it on the ground, or you can carry it around with you. You can have more than one. These sleeping bags can be used to save the game and end the day. You can use them at any time.

Important to note is that you lose all progress made since your last save/sleep. This feature allows you to restart your game if you encounter a bug, glitch, or simply want to undo something. It is possible to cheese your game through, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

General FAQs

  1. Hold shift + click to stack items in one window into another.
  2. Queen bees are more likely to drop from Hardwood trees than from pine trees.
  3. Prerequisites for Jimmy (the shady guest): Rain and 1,000,000 in bank. He will then appear on his boat occasionally (20% chance), when it rains, and you’ll notice a question mark marking his spot on the map.
  4. Prerequisites for Ted: Hunting licence level 2 and other conditions. Ted’s location seems to be random.
  5. To make long gra*s grow where you want, you can sprinkle water on it. (Vombats eat long-gra*s gra*s!)
  6. To find out how much John will give, weigh the thunder eggs first. If it is less than 60k (or what John will give for 4 opals), then crack it open.
  7. The Windmill has an impact on: Grain Mill, Stone Grinder, Furnace, Furnace, Furnace, Furnace
  8. Water Can and Hedge: The default tool affects 1 square. Copper 3 squares, Iron 6 Squares.
  9. The tractor had three modes that were dependent on the irrigation vehicle license: harvest and till soil. Fertilizer/seed was also available. Each mode was 3 blocks in width.
  10. To Jimmy, sell bulk (stack 50) or non-bulk (fishes, bugs, etc. Ted.
  11. A guitar can make villagers and animals happy.


It’s brewing.

Brewing something can take up to a day.

Although I don’t have a lot of experience with brewing, I did learn that wattle brew gives energy and bottled brush gives health.

Jelly from jellyfish is also needed for brewing.

You can find jellyfish on beaches and you can get jelly.

You can find Wattle in the bush lands.

You can find bottle in the pine forest.

Deep Mine

Some deep mine tips:

  1. Bring lots of torches, Wattle Brew and 2 pickaxes. Old keys. Candle hat/miner’s hat. Meat Sticks and Bananas.
  2. The Iron hammer can destroy iron ore in just 2 hits (pickaxe 3, pickaxe 3), and mine walls within 1 hit (pickaxe 2).

Farm Animals

Chooks Similar to chickens, they require a bird coop to house them and a feeder to feed them. Produces eggs for cooking or selling.

Requires Handling License Level 1

Vombats Similar to cows, they require a stall for housing and a food source. Produces milk when the animals are old enough. Irwin sells a milk bucket that can be used to collect milk.

Requires Handling License Level 2

Pleeps : Are a mix of sheep and platypus. Will eat tall gra*s as food. John’s shop can make wool into clothes. Irwin has sheers that can be used to collect wool.

Handling Licence Level 3 Required

Irwin can provide pet food, or you can make your own pet food using wheat or seeds.

If you have the appropriate rank and license, you can purchase them from Irwin.

After Irwin’s Barn is constructed, vombats and pleaps are available.

You can keep farm animals safe by placing fences on the same level as the ground around their living spaces. The fences won’t work if they are placed on different levels of blocks.

In the mines, you can find a diggo collar or a mu saddle.

First, place the saddle on your hotbar to use it. To “drive”, walk up to the mu, press the hotbar key that corresponds to it. To stop driving, press ‘E’.

You can “tame” the diggo collar by using the same method.


You can only get farm experience through:



Processing harvest crops (i.e. turn wheat into flour).


The silo will replenish all good bins within an 8×8 area around it once per day.

The area of the Windmill is 26 x 26, including the windmill.

The water tank supplies water in 10 directions.


The hardest part about catching fish is “hooking”.

You will simultaneously hear the loud sploosh and see the splash. Click quickly on the screen to hook the fish.

If you succeed, you can simply spam left click to reel the fish in. You can stop clicking when the fish fights and splashes if that’s your preference but it won’t hurt any if it doesn’t.

You can try to hook the fish by tapping left click, or right click to cancel it. Then, left click again to recast it near another fish. If you try to recast it on the fish you failed to hook, you should wait for at least 4-5 seconds as the fish will likely ignore you bobber.

If you cast your line without drawing attention to any fish, you can try to reel it in past any fish in its path. However, they will often ignore your bobber if they are swimming away from you when they pa*s.

Before you release to cast your fishing line, you can still turn you character while “charging” the rod. This is useful if a fish changes its swimming direction and you want your bobber to land a few feet in front to attract their attention.


Agriculture Vehicle1/2/3Farming Licence 3, Vehicle and Irrigation Licence 2.
Building1/2/3Logging 1
Cargo1/2/3Toolbelt licence 1
Commerce1/2/32 licences for fishing, hunting, logging, and mining
Deep Mining12nd Mining License
Farming1/2/3Farming skill 0/? ?/20
Fishing1/2/3Fishing skill 0/5/ ?
Handling1/2/3Farming license 1
Hunting1/2/3Hunting skill 0/5/? ?
Irrigation1/2Farming license 3
Landscaping1/2Logging 1
Logging1/2/3Foraging skill 0/10/? ?
Metal Detecting1/2Excavation license 1
Mining1/2/3Mining skill 0/10/20
Toolbelt1/2/3Licence 1 for Fishing, Hunting and Logging
Trapping1/2Hunting license 1

Wikipedia entry – []

List of Buildings/Sizes

Below is the block area used by each building.

Theodore’s Museum

Post Office

Player tent/house

Base tent / Town hall

Irwin’s Barn

Rayne’s Greenhouse

John’s Goods

Clover’s Threadspace

Milburn’s Bank

Franklyn’s Laboratory

Melvin’s Furniture

Villager’s House

Visitor’s Site

Deep Mine

Bulletin Board

Franklyn Loves Discs!

The more discs that you turn in, then the more commissions you will receive.

0 Discs – Bomb, Repair Table, Weather Station

1 Disc: Lawn Mower

3 Discs: Jet Ski, Motor Bike

7 Discs: Gacha Machine, Quarry

10 Discs: Compactor

13 Discs: Chainsaw and Jack Hammer

20 Discs: Tractor

28 Discs for Helicopter

Are you unsure when the ‘Charging Station” unlocks? (All I know is that it’s below 40).

Recipes (randomly available):

  • Palm Wood Bench
  • Repair Kit



You will improve your relationship with NPCs if you chat with them, make requests for them, and spend money at their tent.

As your relationship with them improves, you can invite them to move into the village and spend their days together.

You can see the level of your relationship with someone by pressing escape and clicking on ‘Pedia.’

You can only see a certain number of hearts on the page. There are a total 5 hearts.

It is helpful to understand the loss or gain of points by knowing that there are 100 relationship points and that each heart represents 20 points.

The ‘heart points’ are 5 points that can be seen when a heart increases or decreases in game.

1/4 of a heart equals 5. A full heart is 20 point.

This is why you shouldn’t always ” See also: You can only see changes in 5 points increments.


We now have a better understanding of how relationships points work and how hearts work, so we can get into more detail.

You should first know that the NPC total level of relationship is added to the towns happiness. You will eventually want to maximize your relationships!

Each villager has a favourite food and some dislikes. These details are available on the wiki.

It takes more than 15 heart points to move most NPCs into a village. While it may be slightly different in certain cases, you should know that there are currently 3 NPC’s who will not move in: Sally (hair stylist) and Ted Selly (rare/trader).

Other FAQs about relationships:

  • You must have a 45+ relationship level to be able to hang out with an NPC.
  • Talking to an NPC will add 1 relationship point. This is only available once per day.
  • Bulletin Board mission rewards 4-7 relationship points or mail.
  • Complete Request (>45), = (+3 to +5)
  • Complete Request (45), = (+1 to (+3)
  • Chat request rejected = -1
  • Hang Out = +2
  • Hated Food = 1


Save, Backup, & Cloud Sync

Dinkum doesn’t have Steam Cloud synchronization at this time. For now, backups and transfers of game saves between devices must be done manually.

The folder Dinkum is where you can save your game saves. This folder is located in:

%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\James Bendon\

Steam deck / Linux:
~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1062520/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/James Bendon/

To create a backup of all your games, simply copy and paste the Dinkum directory to a safe location such as your desktop.

To access the saves from the same game on different devices, simply transfer the Dinkum folder to the other devices. To automate this process, you can set up auto-sync using an online file/folder sync tool.

Make sure you have backup copies

Online tools can be used to sync folders between devices if you want to automate this process.

Dinkum Links

Official site of Dinkum – []

Dinkum Discord – []

Dinkum Steam – []

Dinkum TikTok

Dinkum Twitter – []

Dinkum Wiki – []

Dinkum YouTube – []

r/Dinkum – []

We are grateful!

We are grateful to the Dinkum discord group for sharing our knowledge.

We are grateful to all the Dinkum Wiki contributors for their hard work.

James Bendon, thank you for creating such a fun and wonderful game!

Dear reader, thank you for your comments that helped improve this guide.

We hope to see you in Dinkum and have a lot fun!


Written by Aiona0001

This is all we can share for Notes – Dinkum for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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