Patch 1.05 Achievements – ATOM RPG Trudograd



A man will be at your side during the day at Second Tier (, just outside the general store with the bike topped). Talk to him to offer you a house at 2,000 dollars. (is negotiable down to), but you first need to clear out any bandits. If you’re looking to earn the commando achievement, the area (north of Machine Factory) is a great place to save. Talk to a big jug to get rid of bandits. However, once they’re gone, the man who sold you your house will appear and offer to help with the rest. You’ll only need money and food because, like ATOM RPG you’ll just have to wait and pay. The property’s total price is 12,000, the workshop costs 7,000, the house costs 2,000 and the kitchen costs 3,000. You have the option to hire people, get more animals, or increase your stock. If you don’t care about the achievement and only pay for all the upgrades you will still get the achievement once they are complete.


After purchasing your home, you’re a*signed to rid the house of all the bandits. Make sure you save some money before you go. Tell your followers to wait outside and sneak in.

Wait for the guards while they patrol and make your a way to the back. A second guard will exit through the back door so watch out.

Finally, you will speak to big jug instead. It doesn’t matter what your words are, as long that you get him to sleep on the couch, the achievement will be yours.

The Greatest and Most Powerful

Positronium in the flesh?

After you have completed the home (renovations, Slonikov will arrive with a quest for paradise at a sanatorium in the suburbs. WARNING! This Slonikov was from Kolotushkin Street and was moving mannequins into a room rented out to a family. You can’t go to the new quest/dungeon after you have killed him. Let him stay at home and go to the new location. It will appear on your map, but it is just south-east of the big cave.

Once you’re there, fight the murderhobos and other stray animals and then make your way inside to find a large, sealed door. The terminal will open the door. It will reveal the identities of Slonikov’s previous adventurers. I a*sisted them by activating the turbines, but it is not required for the achievement. As you make your way down the elevator, Positronium will be the first to tell you how to deal with an ant problem.

Continue fighting the bugs until you reach the large bug mound. There is a boss inside so be prepared.

After you have finished clearing out the mess, Positronium can let you through the door to the next Positronium who is looking for help with fixing robots. I solved the robots but he wanted me dead so I just had to dispatch them (. You can also take the red keycard that Positronium has left in this room and continue on. This will trigger a cutscene which will reveal the achievement.

100% back!

Thank you for reading. Feel free to ask questions below. This guide is my first on steam, so if there are any ambiguities I’ll clarify them in the comments. If you’re among the roughly 1% of players who have decided to play 100% of this game, or just want to learn how to access some new content, I hope this helps.


Written by Bigfoot Truther

I hope you enjoy the Patch 1.05 Achievements – ATOM RPG Trudograd guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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