Polyarmory achievement – Dying Light


So I was looking at discussions and threads from as far back as 2016 and there are lots of people who are still after this achievement. I did some more digging and found there is no simple and easy guide for this, so I decided to quickly make one for everyone to come together and help each other to get this cheevo.

I myself finished it with 3 very friendly people from the other side of the world, it took 20 minutes for us to add each other, join a game and complete it.

If you’re after this achievement, have a quick read and feel free to then go from there and find others in the comments to a*sist you 🙂

Polyarmory basics

Complete 5 quests in a single co-op game with the same 3 partners

To clarify; you will need 4 people to do this. Yourself and three friends.

If anyone drops out midway through, you will need to start again, so having people from the same region might make things easier.

How to obtain in under 20 minutes

Quarantine Zone: Stuffed Turtle

Wiki page:

https://dyinglight.fandom.com/wiki/Stuffed_Turtle – [fandom.com]

Map location:

The four of you need to get to Stuffed Turtle Quarantine Zone, which is accessible early in the Slums area. It becomes available pretty much as soon as you’ve finished the basic tutorial quests and survived your first night.

You only need to complete the zone 2 or 3 times and the achievement will unlock. I can personally confirm this works in 2022. The four of us did the full zone twice to completion, and then the achievement popped for all four of us on our third run as we picked up the second Disaster Relief Package.

Find players

If you wish to find players to get this achievement, then just comment below and people can find you.

Hopefully this guide not only helps you get the achievement but also you could find mates to play co-op with and have a fun time doing so 🙂

If you have any questions drop them as well, but it’s very straight forward.

Happy hunting!

Written by LowFatMilk

Here we come to an end for the Polyarmory achievement – Dying Light guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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