Radiation Cure for Reforged Eden 1.7 – Empyrion – Galactic Survival


How to properly cure radiation in RE 1.7

First thing we need to realize is that this is not a bug. They have lowered the threshold of how soon you can get Radiation poisoning, and reduced the effectiveness of all radiation cures. So there is a process to getting rid of it without the poisoning coming back right after you cure it.

Also, there are 3 different Radiation poisoning levels. And these all have to be cured a little differently.

How to properly cure radiation in RE 1.7

How to properly cure radiation in RE 1.7

First thing we need to realize is that this is not a bug. They have lowered the threshold of how soon you can get Radiation poisoning, and reduced the effectiveness of all radiation cures. So there is a process to getting rid of it without the poisoning coming back right after you cure it.

Also, there are 3 different Radiation poisoning levels. And these all have to be cured a little


Example of LVL 2 Radiation Poisoning

Finally, lets go over how the Rads counter works in the UI.

There are 3 numbers.

On the left is the Current players environments Radiation level. This determines how fast your body rads go up.

On the right top is your bodies rad count. Anything above 1.0 now will give you radiation poisoning.

The bottom right number is the Rad count of the environment directly outside the structure you are in.

Here are the steps to cure the radiation level 1 and 2

Phase 1 Cure

1. Go to Shower and keep taking the shower until you bodies rads reach 0.0.(this could mean 30+ showers)

2. After this, go to the Medical Decontamination Device and cure your Radiation poisoning.

Phase 2

1. Go to Shower and keep taking the shower until you bodies rads reach 0.0

2. Use the Detoxification Device and the Trauma device to cure the Radiation burns and stomach issues Before using the Medical Decontamination Device to cure your Radiation poisoning.

3. You should also be dehydrated, so use a bottle of water to finish the cure up.

Written by ArchieVision

This is all we can share for Radiation Cure for Reforged Eden 1.7 – Empyrion – Galactic Survival for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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