Recursive duplicator [Python] – Blender

A very simple duplicator that recursively duplicates objects, scales and moves them in local axes.


  • A very simple duplicator that recursively duplicates objects, scales and moves them in local axes.
  • The transformation can be applied to any object. It will move and scale on the y-axis.
  • Parameters can be used to set scale and offset on other axes.
  • Script works on local axes!

Python code

import bpy
import mathutils

duplicates = 1

scale_on_x = 1
scale_on_y = 1.045
scale_on_z = 1

move_on_x = 0
move_on_y = 0
move_on_z = -0.036

def simple_duplicate(dobject, limit, actual):
 copy_of_dobject = dobject.copy() = copy_of_dobject
 inv = copy_of_dobject.matrix_world.copy()

 # move
 copy_of_dobject.location += mathutils.Vector(
 (move_on_x, move_on_y, move_on_z)
 ) @ inv
 copy_of_dobject.scale = (
 copy_of_dobject.scale[0] * scale_on_x, 
 copy_of_dobject.scale[1] * scale_on_y, 
 copy_of_dobject.scale[2] * scale_on_z
 actual += 1 
 if actual <= limit:
 simple_duplicate(copy_of_dobject, limit, actual)

# execute
simple_duplicate(bpy.context.active_object, duplicates, 1)


 _ _ _ _ 
 | || |__ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| (_)_ _ __ _ 
 | __ / _` | '_ \ '_ \ || | / _/ _ \/ _` | | ' \/ _` |
 |_||_\__,_| .__/ .__/\_, | \__\___/\__,_|_|_||_\__, |
 |_| |_| |__/ |___/ 


Written by DevDave

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