Smooth videos guide – Teardown

Ever see cool 4K 100+ FPS and think they have a NASA PC, well they probably don’t they probably use this.

Installing The files.

Head over to FFMPEG – []  and download essentials.

On the FFMPEG website.

After this head over to Teardown and into mods then scrool down on “built in” til you see screen recorder.

Then proceed into a map and press record in the pause menu. then you can quit out.

Where to put these files?

Head into your files and go to: C:\Users\(Name)\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\movies

Once there open your FFMPEG folder, Then proceed to place it in your movies folder.

That is all for this part now for the next.

In Game!

There will be no videos/gifs for this as this is simple but head into game and go into the pause menu.

then there should be a bar at the bottom with screen recorder option. go hit that and press record. If you hear no noise that is perfectly normal dont worry record your video and bam section done.

Final Part.

Head into C:\Users\(name)\OneDrive\Documents\Teardown\movies

Then press makemovie.bat and let that run until dissapeared.

Bam now a recording should appear and you are now done.

Written by Kelidus

I hope you enjoy the Smooth videos guide – Teardown guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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