Spoiler-light Endings Guide – Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator

A incredibly basic guide to give some direction to finding the endings, since there wasn’t one. Just enough to get you through to the endings, light on spoilers.


Saw there weren’t any ending guides for this game on the internet, so this is a simple remedy to that.

To start with, a simple briefing on how endings usually work; endings are achieved through fulfilling requests from special clients, who’s messages have a differently coloured border to regular clients, and appear at the top of the requests list.

Some special clients will only start messaging you once you reach a certain reputation; so you’ll have to do a certain amount if normal requests/bribery to get to them. Some of the clients with special requests only show up at very high reputation levels, so you might need to keep at it for a while. Remember that you can bribe other traders for favour to get reputation points quickly.

You can load a save after getting an ending in that save, to use your progress in that save to continue getting the other endings, which is useful for ending hunting.

This introduction should be 90% of what you need to get started; but feel free to look at the sections for individual endings if you need a guiding hand for them specifically.

Finally, make sure to read regular requests as well as notifications! More than just the endings are important; feel free to bask in the fleshy, pulsating universe.

Endings 1 and 2

Ending 1 and 2 are both relatively easy to get, and are mostly one thread until right at the end where it splits via a choice. Simply accept the request from Necromancers Anonymous, which will show up after reaching a certain reputation level (I believe Entrepreneur?), and keep fulfilling them until eventually you’ll get two requests; and which request you fulfil will result in getting ending 1 or 2. While usually getting an ending doesn’t cut you off from using that save for other endings, it seems you might need a new save to pick again at the end branch.

Ending 3

For this ending, you have to reach a very high reputation level, around “Tycoon” I believe, and you will start getting requests from a client called Mr Bucket; some of which are normal requests. You might need to do some of their regular requests before their special requests appear? Regardless, simply accept their special requests once they appear and fulfil them until you reach their endpoint.

Ending 4

Ending 4 is very straightforward; early on you’ll get a message from someone named Deep Dish asking for some a*sistance. Again, simply continue accepting and fulfilling their requests and you will reach this ending.

Ending 5

After playing for a while, you will receive a request from “Skinsmith, PHD”. Once again, straightforward; simply continue completing his requests and you will reach the ending.

Ending 6

To reach Ending 6, just fulfil Mentaur Minter’s demands and continue the thread from there. Should be pretty easy to follow it to the end, as usual.

Extra info: At some point during your correspondence with Mentaur you’ll get a message from a an a*sa*sin offering to kill Mentaur. Complete his requests and you will reach ending 6.

Ending 7

To get to this point, you need to get to the top; maxed out reputation. The Top 0.1%. Getting there might take some time, so just ride the waves and enjoy the content and trading up till that point. When one Andrew Forge messages you, accept his request: and take this to the finish line.

Written by SirDraco65

This is all we can share for Spoiler-light Endings Guide – Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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