[SPOILERS] Assorted Achievements and Endings – I Was a Teenage Exocolonist


This guide covers some of those less well-known achievements or endings not covered by other guides.

Achievement/Ending unlock criteria

(Quick Note: These criteria were based on my personal experience unlocking the devices. I didn’t rigorously review unlock conditions. Your mileage may differ)

If you didn’t know, this is heavy SPOILER territory. You’ve been warned!

Ran Away

You must be dating Dys, have a good relationship with Dys, and have high rebellion stats to unlock this. You may also need knowledge of Dys’ secret hideout. This information can be found early in the game when you interact with Dys/sneaking around.

In year 18, you should have a conversation dialog. You should convince Dys to stop planting the bomb. But, you should also have the option to detonate the bomb together and leave the colony. This conversation path will lead you to the Ran Away.

Green Vertumna Forever / Tangent’s Cure

I achieved this by engaging in Engineering-building activities. I also built my relationship to Tangent, taking opportunities that increased ” Helping Tangent”. If you help Tangent enough, you will learn about Engineered Plague. You can simply use conversation options to help Tangent feel more confident about the plague and not confront Lum.

This ending in The Wet should be unlocked by you before the end of year 19.

Transformation / Joined Gardeners

This ending was unlockable by Dys bombing the colony and then repeating expeditions up the Ridge to find Dys in his boss’s area. You should also explore conversation options that allow for you to join the Gardeners.

No More Dreams

I don’t have any particular instructions. However, make sure this isn’t your first playthrough. And try to sound insane by taking as many delusion cards as you can. It helps to go meet Sym to learn more about the Gardeners. Then, tell everyone about it.

While the experimental treatment doesn’t kill your game, it does remove all of your ” past lives” memory options.

All for Naught/Colony Destroyed

First, you need to have low/medium colony defenses. High defenses won’t allow this ending. Follow the instructions above for the “Disconnect the Array” finish. But, once you get to the swamp, fight Noctilucent multiple times (. Just twice is fine). DO NOT enter the boss/gardener’s base in order to disconnect the array. Instead, go to the swamp.

This will show the strength of the humans to Noctilucent. The colony will be completely destroyed by the Glow attack in the final game.


Rex isn’t your friend. Nomi, raise your feelings to the point that they create character art and ask if it’s Rex. They will be open about their crush on Rex, but not sure. Encourage them. Then, there will be a dialogue sequence where they can be observed, unlocking the achievement.

Come Between Them

This may seem like an either/or situation. But, if you’re not sure, at least one of these should be done:

  • Take decisions that lower Tammy’s confidence. It leads to her not asking Cal for help.
  • To convince Cal to consider you serious and not Tammy or Tammy (, you need to have a relationship above 80 with Cal.

You should do these things in years 17-18, (you won’t be able to remember exactly when) to make them stop dating and unlock the achievement.

On request, I may add more. These are my hopes!

Written by Nayhomie

I hope you enjoy the [SPOILERS] Assorted Achievements and Endings – I Was a Teenage Exocolonist guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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