TGP grist IDs – The Genesis Project


A guide on how to use the /grist command and what the item ids are for all 63 types of grist

How to Use the /Grist Command

You do this: /grist [Insert amount of grist here] [insert grist id here]

Grist IDs

GristID #
Build Grist0
Artifact Grist1
Zillium Grist2
Garnet Grist3
Jasper Grist4
Caulk Grist5
Titanium Grist6
Quartz Grist7
Turquoise Grist8
Blue Agate Grist9
Tar Grist10
Cinnabar Grist11
Sapphire Grist12
Sard Grist13
Mercury Grist14
Cyanide Grist15
Malachite Grist16
Diamond Grist17
Alexandrite Grist18
Francium Grist19
Blood Grist20
Lapis Lazuli21
Spiritite Grist24
Honey Grist25
Gold Grist26
Rose Quartz Grist27
Uranium Grist28
Pearl Grist29
Hydrogen Grist30
Polychromite Grist31
Emerald Grist32
Cobalt Grist33
Greymatter Grist34
Nectar Grist35
Marble Grist36
Peridot Grist37
Saccharite Grist38
Ichor Grist39
Rain Grist40
Chalk Grist41
Solar Grist42
Onyx Grist43
Null Grist44
Starlight Grist45
Generic Grist46
Obsidian Grist47
Shale Grist48
Darkness Grist49
Dew Grist50
Rust Grist51
Sugilite Grist52
Amethyst Grist53
Wax Grist54
Xenon Grist55
Sulfur Grist56
Topaz Grist57
Smoky Quartz Grist58
Iodine Grist59
Amber Grist60
Mahogany Grist61
Bloodstone Grist62


Written by IcedReaper

Here we come to an end for the TGP grist IDs – The Genesis Project guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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