The Most Underrated Weapon in TF2 – Team Fortress 2


This guide will show you the most underrated weapon in TF2. Not many people know about it, and its stats are amazing.

The Cow Mangler 5000

The Cow Mangler 5000 is a rocket launcher for Soldier that has infinite ammo + a special secondary ability that mini-crits players and sets them on fire.

​The only downsides are…

  • No random critical hits
  • -80% damage to buildings
  • mini-crits whenever it would normally crit

​The -80% damage to buildings is equated by the Cow Mangler’s secondary ability, which disables buildings for 4 seconds.

​The “no random critical hits” & “mini-crits whenever it would normally crit” really don’t matter, because you have the ability to mini-crit whenever you want to by simply right clicking.


Compared to Stock

When comparing the Cow Mangler to the stock Rocket Launcher, it is essentially the exact same weapon, except the Cow Mangler has infinite ammo and the ability to mini-crit players and set them on fire. So when playing with it, 99% of the time, it feels like a direct upgrade to stock.

​The downsides are so minimal / negated by the upsides, that you don’t notice them 99% of the time… and having infinite ammo with a rocket launcher is obviously incredibly useful, as you can spam rockets non-stop without having to worry about ammo.

All of the Upsides

Infinite ammo (you can spam rockets non-stop)

Mini-crit whenever you want (obviously really useful)

Set players on fire

Disable Engineer’s buildings for 4 seconds (useful for your team)

Plus one more upside that isn’t included in the stats… This weapon’s projectiles aren’t normal rockets; they look like laser beams. They’re slightly transparent energy beams. This is an upside because they’re harder to see than rockets, making it harder for Pyros to reflect them. (Also some Pyros won’t even know that they can reflect the beams.)

Final Verdict

The Cow Mangler kicks a*s. It’s one of the very few weapons in TF2 that is considered a side-grade / direct upgrade to stock.

I think most Soldiers don’t bother using it because of another weapon, the Righteous Bison, which is infamously BAD… and it looks much like the Cow Mangler (both futuristic looking & the same color), except the major difference is the Cow Mangler is AMAZING.

I personally pair the Cow Mangler with the Concheror. Having infinite ammo, and “infinite” health (the Conch pa*sively regenerates your health), is a really satisfying combo to use.

Also, if you’re using the Cow Mangler + Shotgun, you are able to deal all 3 types of damage… Explosive damage from the Cow Mangler’s rockets, fire damage from the C.M.’s secondary ability, and bullet damage with your Shotgun. Making this the only loadout in the entire game that can deal all 3 types of damage.

Written by Psycho

This is all we can share for The Most Underrated Weapon in TF2 – Team Fortress 2 for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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