Torch Puzzle – SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4 Episode I


Torch Puzzle solution for Lost Labyrinth Zone Act 2

The Puzzle

In Lost Labyrinth Zone Act 2, after a certain point you will reach a room with 4 torches. From left to right: The first one will light up the room and nothing else; the second will temporarily activate a wall that prevents you from back tracking or moving forward; the third will activate another platform that leads to a way out that is blocked by the wall from the fourth torch but needs the platform from the fourth torch to reach; and the fourth will provide a platform for you to stand on as well as a wall that prevents you from moving forward.

The Solution

From left to right: Light the first torch, then the fourth, watch your time and wait for at least 5 seconds before activating the third. The platform and wall made by the fourth should retract while you are standing on the platform made by the third. Jump up and reach the exit and continue onto the rest of the level.

Written by Spikira

I hope you enjoy the Torch Puzzle – SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4 Episode I guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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