Track Personal Stats Like Deaths, Jumps, Rolls, etc – ELDEN RING


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I made a python script that tracks gameplay stats using controller inputs and onscreen elements.

These are the stats that are tracked:










Installing and Running Script

1. Download and install python from – []  or the windows store.

2. Download the .py script and .csv spreadsheet from my google drive folder – []

3. Open the windows command prompt by typing “cmd” in the search bar. Copy and paste the following commands into the prompt. (run one at a time)

pip install inputs

pip install keyboard

pip install pyautogui

pip install pandas

4. On Elden Ring change settings so the HUD is always on screen. This is needed to ensure the death and heal trackers work.

5. You can now run the script by double clicking the .py file after you launch Elden Ring. Make sure to have the .csv file and .py file in the same directory. Also you have to manually track your deaths by pressing the hamburger button, (xbox 360 start button) on your controller after the yellow damage indicator of your health bar disappears. End the script by pressing ‘q’ on your keyboard followed by any button input on your controller.

All your stats will be saved to the .csv spreadsheet file.

Tracking Limitations:

Your stats are tracked based on how many times you press each button, so for example if a boss kills you before your attack goes off it will still be counted in the tracker. Furthermore pressing buttons in menus and loading screens shouldn’t add to their respective counters, but false updates may happen on occasion.

Written by OvulationStation

I hope you enjoy the Track Personal Stats Like Deaths, Jumps, Rolls, etc – ELDEN RING guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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