Trading Basics – Buccaneers!


This guide will give you the basics about trade.


To trade in the games you will need to have a large ship. This will allow you to outrun smaller pirate ships and outrun larger ones.

Ship Size

1. I recommend you to have the Heavy Sloop (or the Light Frigate).

I recommend that you upgrade your speed and board combat to have a chance of defense in case you get boarded.

A smaller vessel will be more efficient than one that is larger because it is more economic.


2. You can notice two colors when you trade at a merchant.

Red color means that you can buy with profit if the merchant is selling the goods less expensively

– A merchant will buy more of your goods if they are green

The colors indicator is a little sloppy, though. The system is not intuitive, but it works.


This should be enough to get the basics of things down. Feel free react to this topic and to discuss it!

We wish you all a safe and enjoyable sailing experience. !


Written by Lilly Pillie

This is all we can share for Trading Basics – Buccaneers! for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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