Ultrawide and FPS unlock – ELDEN RING


A guide on how to change aspect ratio, unlock FPS, remove vignette and change FOV


Rename the folder within the RED box. ADD ( .hgdrj ) at the end of the text

Now copy the ELDENRING.exe file and paste it, so you have two of them.

Now open the properties of the file that you renamed and copy whats within the red box (not the text you added at the end)

Rename the copied ELDENRING.exe paste the text that you just copied and it should look somthing like this.

Now launch the game and make sure that you’re in offline mode. then close the game

Now go ahead and download Flawless Widescreen http://www.flawlesswidescreen.org – [flawlesswidescreen.org]

then instal the ELDENRING patch within Flawless Widescreen and play around with the settings 🙂

Written by KingNibla™

Here we come to an end for the Ultrawide and FPS unlock – ELDEN RING guide. I hope this guide has helped you with your gameplay. If you have something to add to this guide or believe we forgot some information to add, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually by approving them!

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