Unlock world scaling – Open Brush

Zoom out super far beyond the limits of the software and create ma*sive objects

.cfg file

Navigate to your Open Brush folder in your Documents on your hard drive. Mine is located here:

C:\Users\username\Documents\Open Brush

Open the file called “Open Brush.cfg with Notepad.

Copy and paste this into the file overwriting what’s already there:

 "User": {
 "Author": "Enter Name Here",
 "Video": {
 "Flags": {
 "PostEffectsOnCapture" : false,
 "ShowWatermark": false,
 "ShowHeadset": true,
 "ShowControllers": true,
 "SnapshotWidth": 4096,
 "SnapshotHeight": 2160,
 "FOV": 70,
 "DisableAudio": false,
 "UnlockScale": true,
 "Export": {
 "ExportBinaryFbx": true,
 "ExportFbxVersion": "FBX201400",



World scaling is now unlocked when restarting Open Brush!

This is all we can share for Unlock world scaling – Open Brush for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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