Walkthrough – The Kobolds Left Behind

a guide on how to beat the game and get all achievements.

its recommended you try to beat it yourself first with out this guide to maximize fun.

its a short game and its more fun figuring it out on your own.

unless you get stuck on a puzzle i guess.

Part 1 The Cave

controls to remember:

arrow keys to move.

enter = use

i = inventory

c while inventory open = combine

be on or next to a thing when you open the inventory and select an item using enter to use it with the thing you are near.

go back to the white fissure in the wall and use it.

then do so a second time for the achievement.

go down the path

use the door

go to the right

get the shovel

use on rubble

continue straight ahead

use the circle

talk with the kobolds

use the circle if its not sufficiently explained what is needed.

take the path on the right

go straight ahead till you hit the turn and go north then go east

take the pliers

go back out and take the first room to the north westwards from the graveyard

go up the small pa*sage

use pliers on radio

go out and take the second room to the north

use the book case

go west and follow the pa*s to the steam puzzle

the following combo solves the puzzle

Left lever

right button

left lever

left button

get the knife

once you have everything go back to the magic circle.

combine knife with book

use book on circle

use antenna on circle

use circle

Part 2 Sky Island

go east

use broken bridge

go west till you get to crossroads

go west

use crystal for dialog if you want

go south west of crystal where cup is, get it.

return to crossroads

go north

go right next to where the dragon head statue is spitting out water and use knife on water for achievement

go north into staff building

go to kitchen

use empty cup on fire in kitchen for achievement

get hot sauce from kitchen

get cooking recipe from kitchen

go to voice sealed door

use hot sauce

use door

get blueprints from room

exit and go east

use locked door

the combination lock is 232

take axe

take nails

go south out of building

use cup on the fountain water

go back to kitchen

use filled cup on fire

take hammer

go back out

use axe on tree

use newly acquired planks on tree for achievement

go back to the bridge and use the nails planks blueprints and hammer

go back to the crossroads to talk to the kobolds

go back over the bridge

use the door

congrats you now know how to beat the game.

now play again mashing enter to skip all the dialog and not doing anything extra for the achievements you already got,

and speedrun it for the last achievement.

Written by Zegian

I hope you enjoy the Walkthrough – The Kobolds Left Behind guide. This is all for now! If you have something to add to this guide or forget to add some information, please let us know via comment! We check each comment manually!

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