Why you should build warehouses and how it works – The Guild 3

Why you should build warehouses and how it works !

Why building a warehouse ?

It can be a bit useless when you did not tried it at first.

At the beginning of the game, you just have your house and 1 business available.

How business works ?

In your storage rules, you can ask them 2 things, Sell and/or Supply items by checking the correct option.

– If you turn on “Sell”, your transporters will sell your items to the nearest market and sometimes it’s not for the best price.

– If you turn on “Supply”, your transporters will buy items to the nearest market too

How warehouses works ?

Warehouses has the same storage rules than your business, except that you can choose any items in the game.

But warehouses works way better:

– If you turn on “Sell”, your transporters (from the warehouse) will sell your items to the BEST market price, and it can sells to Docks too, so you don’t have to worry about that

Warning: Sometimes you can see that it’s not working properly, i think it also calculates the travel time to the market, if you equip your workers with a horse, generally they will sell more often to the best market.

– If your turn on “Supply”, your tranporters will buy items from the BEST market price too !

Selling or buying to the best market prices is very important for your budget and with warehouses you don’t need to check prices on your own.

How to setup trades when working with warehouses ?

When you built your first warehouse, every business that you own will start to transport their items directly to the warehouse and will never go to the market again !

This is important to notice because the “Sell” and “Supply” options into your business will depend of the warehouse storage.


My business makes Copper and it needs Iron Ores to make it

I’ll turn on “Sell” Copper and “Supply” Iron Ores.

Because i have a warehouse, my transporters will:

  • try to get Iron Ores from warehouse, not from the market.
  • send Coppers to my warehouse too

So, i want my wharehouse to:

  • “Supply” Iron Ores with a minimum stock of 40
  • “Sell” Coppers so i can get the best price for it

And if i want to keep my Copper for another business that need it ?

Even if you turn off “Sell” on your warehouse, your workers can still use items for their business.

You can also set a minimum stock and turn on “Sell”.

If i set the minimum to 40 Coppers, transporters will sell Coppers when i have more than 40 Coppers into my warehouse.

But transporters from business can still get Coppers within the minimum stock.

I hope you find this guide usefull and have a great game !

Written by jacman

This is all we can share for Why you should build warehouses and how it works – The Guild 3 for today. I hope you enjoy the guide! If you have anything to add to this guide or we forget something please let us know via comment! We check each comment! Don’t forget to check XIXGO.COM for MORE!

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